6 - Reunion

561 24 7

★ ★ ★

A week had passed since prom. More than half a year ago, Alesia had believed her heart was ripped out. She never thought she would smile again, but the past days there had been a warm feeling in her chest. Despite her scar, and despite the tragedy that had struck her, she had an amazing boyfriend now. When Esai and she had been just friends, his parents had already been very friendly, but now they had given her a warm welcome in their family.

Even though she had been skeptical about the Mayans in the beginning, she'd had a long conversation with Marcus, who'd explained to her that they'd wanted to help her brother and that they had signed him into rehab, but that it had been his own choice when he decided to walk away. Marcus felt sorry for what had happened to her and he admitted that Neron's guidance might have been inadequate, and in the end Alesia had forgiven the club.

Today, a graduation party was thrown for Esai and her. She was sitting at the bar, her eyes glued to the entrance, knowing who were about to show up.

When the two boys finally entered the room, she jumped on her feet and ran towards them. First, she launched herself at Gilly, who squeezed her in such a tight hug it made her gasp for breath. After letting him go she turned to Angel, who looked a foot taller.

"Hey girl." He kissed her forehead. "Congratulations."

Alesia looked at him with mixed feelings. "I'm sorry you failed your exams."

He shrugged his shoulders, showing her a grin that convinced her that he could think of less pleasant things. "I don't need to graduate. The Mayans will let me prospect. So fucking awesome! Gilly's brother put in a word for me."

Alesia looked at him in surprise. "Wow!" She had known becoming a Mayan had been a dream of him, even though he had never said much about it because of her brother.

"I wasn't sure what you'd think of it, but I guess you made peace with the Mayans now." He showed her a grin. "Since you're dating El Padrino's son. Speaking of... Where the hell is he?" Curiously, Angel looked past her.

Alesia looked over her shoulder, shrugging as she didn't see her boyfriend. "Probably bothering the ladies of the catering."

"Yeah? He's one of those guys?" Angel asked, shaking his head. "Then it's time he and I have a good talk."

She smirked. "Yeah, you're gonna give him some advice on how to cheat properly? You know all about being a player. But don't worry. Up to now, he has nothing to complain about."

"Too much information."

She raised her eyebrows. "After all the dirty stories you told me?"

Her glance wandered aside. Gilly had never been the one to talk a lot, but he was really quiet today. He was staring at the ground. She wrapped an arm around him, leaning into him. "Hey, you okay?"

Quickly he looked up, offering a smile. "I'm fine. Just some crazy days."

Alesia sensed there was more going on, but before she could pry further, Angel swung an arm around his friend as well. "What Gills needs is some beer and pussy."

She chuckled at the red tinge spreading across his cheeks

The three of them walked over to the bar, where the boys shook some hands and one of the girls poured them a drink. She had just taken her glass when two arms glided around her, and a kiss was pressed to her shoulder. She looked over her shoulder, for a moment she was caught in his mysterious blue eyes. Leaning into his embrace, she kissed him.

"Hey, get a room!" Angel yakked in her ear.

"As if you ever get a room."

Angel smirked, holding out his hand to Esai. "So you're the lucky man. Let me tell you this, hermano. I don't care that you're El Padrino's kid; if you ever cheat on her he's gonna bury ya real soon."

Angel's grin made it look like he was just teasing him, but the look in his eyes told a different story.

"Pops threatened to do the same," Esai answered. "So don't worry, brother. This lady over here gets everything her heart desires."

Alesia turned in his arms, pecking his lips. "Slimeball," she whispered against his lips.

By way of an answer, his hand glided to her neck as he gave her a long kiss that she could feel in her toes.

"Angel just told me he's going to prospect too," she told him. "So he's really going to be your brother."

"Yeah? That's cool dude." Esai slapped his shoulder. "What about you?" he asked Gilly. "Your brother is a Mayan, right?"

"I signed up to be trained as a technical designer. Maybe I will join the club later, my parents encouraged me to go to college first and that I can always join the Mayans later."

His eyes shot from Alesia to the door. She frowned slightly. He was clearly nervous and she had no idea why. Was the sight of Esai and her together bothering him? She couldn't imagine he had feelings for her, she never noticed anything.

The moment Angel and Esai started to talk about their expectations about being a prospect, she stepped closer to Gilly.

"You look distracted, Gills."

He sighed, avoiding her glance.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked quietly.

This time, he did look up. "No. Not you." His eyes shot back to the door. "I tried to stop him, Alesia. I really did. But Angel..." He sighed once more.

Confused, Alesia looked to the side. This time, someone was standing in the doorway.

She froze, her stomach cringed. It was someone she didn't want to see yet.

Or ever again.

Her brother.

★ ★ ★

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