Gridlock (dirty)

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⬆️ Jordan:The snow had been coming down all morning and after hours of us begging, my boss had finally made the decision to let us close early

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⬆️ Jordan:
The snow had been coming down all morning and after hours of us begging, my boss had finally made the decision to let us close early. I grabbed all my stuff and threw it into my purse before putting my coat on and almost running outside to my car.

I lived almost an hour away from my job and since there was already a few inches of snow sticking to the ground, I knew getting home was going to be hell.

I wiped the snow off my windshield, climbed into my car and started to crank the heat as soon as I turned it on.

"I fucking hate winter." I mumbled to myself as I drove. "I just want summer to come back already."

The snow was coming down faster and faster every minute, making it harder for everyone to see and soon all the cars on the highway were driving at just ten miles per hour.

I sighed heavily and decided to turn on some music. I scrolled through my library until I got to Ari Lennox and put her album Shea Butter Baby on shuffle.

I sang along to her song Chicago boy as traffic came to a complete stop.

I sighed heavily. "Ooh, come on!"

I put my car in park and just sat there waiting for traffic to ease up.

My phone started to vibrate in the cup holder and when I picked it up, I saw my mom's name flashing across the screen.

I answered. "Hey ma."

"Hey baby, are you still stuck at work?"

"No, we closed early. I'm trying to get home but-"

"Did you take the 401?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're gonna be stuck there for a long time Jordy. I was just watching the news and it said there's been multiple accidents reported but there's so much traffic that emergency responders can't even get through."

"Great, so I'm stuck in a gridlock."

"Do you have gas? And an emergency kit?"

"Yeah I have a full tank and daddy gave me a fully stocked emergency kit last week."

"Ooh good. I hope you're not stuck there for too long."

"I hope so too." I sighed heavily. "I'll call you if things let up."

"Okay baby, be safe."

I hung up and laid my head against the window, watching the snow continue to fall at a rapid rate.

I mumbled to myself. "I'm gonna be stuck here forever."

As much as I hated the snow, watching it come down was actually relaxing, so much so that I had fallen asleep.

Two hours later:
There was a tap on my window that made me jump up out of my sleep. I quickly used my wipers to clear the snow from my windshield only to find out that traffic hadn't moved not one inch.

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