Bets and History

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There has to be some mistake.

It's only been a week into classes and she's already behind Scarrow in three. How did this happen? Teagan throws him a nasty glare as he holds his well-marked paper with a smug smirk that she wishes she could zap with a petrifaction spell. See how he likes to have his face frozen in that position.

"Carful Monicroff, you keep frowning like that and you'll put trolls out of business." Scarrow taunts her in passing.

Lila scoffs at him next to her.

"I rather like trolls."

Teagan startles at the quiet voice next to her on the other side, Scarrow and Lila look surprised too as Chrys seems to have appeared out of thin air. She smiles dreamily at them.

"They're so cute and vicious and warty too. "

Scarrow's face is pricelessly confused for a moment before he shakes his head and resumes sneering at them.

"Just face it Monicroff, you got lucky at last year's S.A.M's. This year - I won't hold back." He threatens rather full of himself.

Teagan rolls her pretty blue eyes at him, Lila had told her it makes for an excellent level of sass, especially against an annoying boy. "Please, you think I was trying last time Scarrow? You don't know a thing yet."

He scowls at her and Lila pats her proudly on the back as they walk away from him coolly. Teagan likes the feeling of control she's having right at the moment.

"Care to bet on it."

She stops.

"Pardon?" She glances back at him with narrowed eyes. "What is that supposed to me? Are you insinuating that you can beat me this year?

"I know I can. I will. But academics are last year's quarrel. This year we'll sweeten the challenge." Scarrow crosses his arms with a sly smirk on his face.

Teagan wants to punch it off like she has before. But she refrains. "I don't make bets with idiots." She knows he's not. And it is an intriguing situation - but she wants to go through this year as painlessly as possible.

She turns away.

"What? Are you scared you'll lose, Monicroff?"

That does it. Her pride rises up and she hates that about herself as she whirls around on him and stomps into his personal space, disgust evident on her face as she pokes a finger at him. "I'm not scared of anything Scarrow. Least of all you." She snaps venomously, her eyes crackling angrily at him.

For some unfathomable reason, Scarrow seems to find this amusing. He scoffs in her face and smacks her finger out of the way. "Fine then. Try outs for Gracers are tomorrow. Get the captains spot on the second year team and I might consider you a challenge."

"That makes no sense. One, why would I do that? And two, I don't need to prove anything to you to be challenging."

"Loser has the shame of acknowledging the superiority of the winner in front of everyone."

Teagan's eyes narrow harder at him. "And the winner gets what? Gratification in proving she's better?"

"And the loser's acceptance." Scarrow sounds awfully smug about this.

Teagan decides it's not worth it. She already considers herself the best, she doesn't need Scarrow to acknowledge that.

"I have better things to do."

She aims to walk away again and this time ignores him utterly.

"You're just scared because no Monicroff has ever been Captain of the Gracers. Especially not a girl." Scarrow taunts.

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