18: Escape

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18: Escape

Teagan stirs, her head throbs as she opens her eyes with a gasp. The sky is black and blue with swirls of strange red streak cutting through the dark hues.

Her back is wet and cold. Teagan shudders as she sits up, the grass underneath her fingers is dead and prickles through her night gown. Her eyes adjust to the dim scenery. Leafless Gnarled trees that look like they're trying to claw the sky to shreds streach out thinly everywhere. The air feels thick with something stagnant  and Teagan shudders in revulsion as bile rises up her throat.

She stands. The sky spins around her and Teagan leans against a rough grey barked tree.

Something grabs her leg. Teagan screams and tugs herself away from the tree, its root wraps around her ankle and  cuts her skin. She cries out at the stinging pain and tries to break it, her fingers sore from the harsh bark.

She struggles, it tightens and drags her forwards, Teagan gasps as she relizes her aura is dead. She can't feel an ounce of magic and... And it terrifies  her cold.

Teagan struggles harder, and screams as the tree tries to drag her under ground, she sinks in the dirt suddenly, her fingers claws for something to grab , they rip clumps of grass out from the harsh ground under her.

Suddenly, a deafening screech makes the trees convulse as if they're human and the root releases her. Teagan, dirt caked, and sobbing, claws her way to her feet and runs.

Her ankle bends the wrong way and she falls, her hands and body freezing cold from the mud she'd just escaped as she clutches her throbbing ankle with icy cold fingers.

Tears streaks the mud on her face, she clenches her teeth against the pain that make sits wya up her leg.

Where is she? She doesn't know. She only knows she should be afraid. So very afraid.

And she is.

Teagan sucks in hard breaths that dry her  throat, she chokes on it and tries to stand. She has to leave this place. But she doesn't know where it is.

She hobbles as fast as she can without falling. She hears the wind hiss at her. It sounds like words, Teagan pushes at her matted hair and continues to limp.

Must get away. Must get Away.

"You can't." The wind hisses words at her, viciouse snake like words.

Teagan swats at it, it blows harder, Teagan's eyes water, her ankle throbs and she doesn't know if they're  watering from fear or pain.

She falls, the ground suddenly rises and Teagan rolls downwards with a shriek, she clutches at nothing trying to stop the descent, her stomach lurches as she suddenly comes to a halt. Teagan stands, knees shaking and ankle swollen, her arm feels as if something yanked it out of its socket as she weakly tries to get away, she clutches it and hobbles towards a clearing.

How was she going to escape? She doesn't  know where-

"Oh, you know exactly where you are little Mage." The voice is low and deep and... Horrifically human.

Teagan gasps and whirls around, her hair a mangy rust colored red as her darkened eyes land on a huge black barked tree, it's branches reach the sky and where it seems to touch is red, as if the sky is bleeding blood from deep gashes the tree caused.

Her heart freezes in her quaking chest, she clutches at her nightgown, bunching the dirty cold fabric in her pasty wound raw hands.

Underneath the tree sits a dark figure, his face obscured by a hood.

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