17: SleepSearching

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17: Sleep Searching

It's ready.

After an entire month of painful waiting and haunting visions, not to mention random bouts of numb self destructive behaviors, The Blub, blub, blub of the sickly looking potion has stoped. Teagan was going insane just from the sound of it. 

The four of them are gathered around in a secluded corner of the great library, the potion was sitting in the middle, the bottle was filled with a clear fluorescent blue liquid that changes color when the light hits it at a certain angel. Chrys says she thinks it might have been a success.

But they won't know until they drink it.

All that waiting and they're still not certain it would work.

So they all stare at it, apprehension is thick around them, none say a word as the potion just sits there, waiting.

Teagan lets out a small huff of disgust at their cowardice and reaches for it. Thad drops a hand on top of hers to stop her.

Teagan looks up, Thad's face is tight and grim as he stares at the potion and shakes his head.

"You can't drink this Tea." He says as he lets her straighten from bending over the table.

"Why not? The entire reason we went into this was to drink it." Teagan's  patience are oh so very worn, she feels her annoyance spike unreasonably as she crosses her arms at Thad.

He shakes his head."But it might not work anyway."

"Won't know until we try." She reaches for it again.

"Actually, if it's not done correctly, it might poison you and kill you." Chrys pipes up in her melodious  voice.

Lila looks at her sharply."Wwhat do you mean she might die? Where was this warning before we agreed to do this!" She says, voice raising a pitch as she flashes Teagan a suspicious look.

"I didn't know that." Teagan defend tiredly. Well, now the risk appears to be heavier than she thought.

"Then you're not drinking it." Lila says firmly.

Chrys sits down on a chair. "Well if she doesn't drink it, who will? Teagan's the one with the vision things. Which are miles of fascinating by the way."

Lila shoots the golden haired girl another look of disapproval and disbelief.

"Teagan's not drinking it." She repeats as if she's a teacher speaking to a three year old child.

Thad nods his head. " Agreed, it's too risky."

Teagan almaot laughs at them, this was ridiculous, there was nothing to discuss."I'm drinking it." She didn't spend all this time waiting for them to not let her drink it. She grabs the bottle before Thad can stop her again."

"No, Teagan, no. . . . What if you do get poisoned, then what? What are we suppose to tell the teachers or Headmistress? Oh, we made an illegal potion that nobody even knows how to make anymore and Teagan drank it to find some creepy relic? We can't do this!" Lila's hysterical by the end of her rant.

Teagan looks her friends in the eye and realizes how important they really are to her. Lila with her wobbling lip of fear and affection. Thadvwith his grim face of concern and reproach. And even Chrys with her sleepy look of encouragement.

"I have to do this." She can't explain why to them. But she needs to find that door."I'm sorry." She whispers and uncorks the bottle with a pop.

Lila reaches for it, Thad stops her with his arm. Teagan sneezes at the smell that rises out of the bottles neck. It's atrocious and makes her stomach churn. She fears she won't be able to swallow it.

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