1 : ̗̀➛ hatred

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Y/N POV ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)
All it took, was a few minutes. Approximately 22 minutes. I came back from the grocery store. I'd bought f/s [favorite/snack]. I got my keys out and opened the door to my house. My current boyfriend - Izuku Midoriya, was staying with me. We were allowed to go to our homes for Christmas and Izuku decided to come with me. My mother was away for the day, buying presents. I got my phone from my pocket to go through things, you know, social media and whatnot. I was about to take a picture and make a funny post [A/N: MEMES-] about something when from the living room I heard,
"What if L/n-chan finds out?"
My eyes widened. It sounded like a girl.
"Don't worry. She won't." It sounded like Izuku.
I peeked around the corner and my eyes widened in shock and betrayal. Izuku was with Uraraka and he was kissing her. My thumb slowly tapped a button on my phone.
"I-Izuku?" I said as my voice cracked.
"Y/n!?" He looked shocked.
"W-Why did you...?" My tears began to flow without stop.
"L/n-chan!" Uraraka shrieked as she jumped from the couch she was on with Izuku.
I covered my eyes with my hand. My tears flowed profusely.
"G-Get....g-et out." I said with yet another voice crack.
"Y/n! Wait! I can tell you what happened! Please hear me out!" Izuku exclaimed.
"Get the hell out." I said more sternly.
"L/n-chan pleas-!" I banged on the wall making a medium sized hole.
"I won't repeat myself." I snapped.
Both of them got up quickly and got out of the house. I followed only to slam the door shut.
"I can't believe it. I thought- I thought Izuku was a....great person. But he only deceived me."
My tears came back and this time, I could let it all out.

Chapter 1: Hatred

I was on my bed. Continously crying from the recent events. It had been 4 days after it happened, Midoriya had tried calling me and texting me so I....blocked him.
"God, there's only 1 more day until I have to go back to school." I thought to myself.
"Its going to be awkward isn't it?" I cleaned my eyes with a nearby tissue.
"Guess I'll just have to find out, huh?" I thought getting out of my bed.
I opened my bedroom door and went to the kitchen where my mother was.
"Oh you're finally out! Are you feeling okay honey?" She asked me.
"Y-Yeah, no need to worry!" I said putting up a fake smile.
"I'm glad." She smiled back and went back to what she was doing.
I walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
"What if something goes wrong?" I asked myself as I looked into the mirror.
I sighed. I don't want to go back. I'm nervous to say the least.

Timeskip by 24 hours

I opened my eyes. I'd decided to wake up early today since I was feeling really nervous the night before. I got out of bed and stretched. I fixed my bed really quick.
"Alright. Everything will be okay, calm down." I told myself as I walked to the bathroom with a towel inhand.
I brushed my teeth first, up and down, left and right. I discarded my clothes and put them in a neat pile ontop of the sink along with my towel. I got in the shower and turned the water on. Water cascaded down my back and chest. I scrubbed and put shampoo on my hair. When I was done, I got out and wrapped my towel around my body. I opened the door and walked back to my room.
"Deep breaths Y/n, deep breaths!" I told myself as I put on my school uniform.
I got my backpack and walked out. As I was walking, I saw some green hair from my peripheral vision.
"Crud." I walked faster.
"Y-Y/n!" I heard.
I started jogging now.
"Please! Wait! I want to tell you something!" I started to sprint.
"I don't want to hear it!" I yelled.
Eventually I got to the train station and luckily, a train was just arriving. I swiftly got in without Midoriya seeing me. I sighed when I sat down.
"I have to be careful next time." I thought.
The train got to my stop and the doors opened. I got off but this time I walked at a faster pace. I can't let him see me or talk to me. I hate him.

To be continued

[A/N: I'm back with another fanfic!]

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