8 : ̗̀➛ trap

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Y/N POV ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)
"Aaaaannnd...that is time. Good job everyone." A gym trainer's voice boomed throughout the gymnasium.
"How much time do we have to wait?" Dabi asked, frustrated.
I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Be patient." I whispered.
Dabi sighed and nodded.

Chapter 8: Trap

Everyone that was in the gymnasium spread out. They went their own ways. Some went to the locker rooms, some sat down, and others kept training a little more.
"Now." Calley whispered.
Dabi activated his quirk. His beautiful blue flames made smoke appear, giving our group an optical advantage. Calley jumped down from the vents we were hiding in, she swung her blade hair towards the gym trainer, ultimately killing him. Toga laughed maniacally as she slashed her knifes, killing at least 5 people. Our target, was a pro hero. He of course wasn't in the gymnasium, which is why we are doing this. We were trying to lure him to us. Eraserhead, or rather Mr. Aizawa, as it was before I left. Of course, capturing him was necessary so no one lost the ability to use their quirks.
"Freeze villains!"
I turned around, it wasn't him. It was some other pro hero. Goddamit. I calmly walked towards the hero.
"What is this? Are you giving up?" He asked.
"Death's Ring."
His eyes widened and....you know the drill. The same thing happens to everyone. This pro hero is no exception. He collapsed, I dragged him to the front to alert authorities. If they see a pro hero down, they might send a more skilled hero. I smirked as I saw an officer get out her radio. I ran back inside, the smoke was long gone by now. The group had killed everyone by now.

Pro hero Eraserhead was just relaxing. He was on break. Yes, he was working, at UA to be exact. However, coincidentally enough, he got an alert that he needed to go fight some villains. Someone else would substitute for his classes. Once he got the alert, he was beyond annoyed.
"On my break, of all times." He groaned.
The raven haired male walked to the supposed location of the villain attack.
"Welcome, Eraserhead." It was Calley.
"Who are you?" Aizawa's voice boomed.
"My name's Calley. I have a bit of a surprise for you." Calley smirked.
Aizawa was curious, so he followed Calley inside. He was still wary of his surroundings of course.
"Do you by any chance recognize her?" Calley asked.
She pulled down a dark red blanket which was covering a small prison cell. It was made by some of the villains back at the bar. Aizawa's eyes widened. Y/n were in the cell.
"A-Aizawa! Please! Get me out of here!" Y/n screamed.
"What the hell did you do?" Aizawa growled at Calley, activating his quirk so she wouldn't try anything.
Calley smirked.
"I just kidnapped her." She replied.
Aizawa got a bit mad. Sure Y/n almost killed a few students before she left. But Aizawa felt some sort of pity for Y/n after she told him what happened and after she showed him the notes the girls had left for her. From her cell, Y/n spoke.
"Death's Ring."
Aizawa then went through it all. Y/n stopped however, she didn't want to kill him. That wasn't the plan anyways. The villains would only hold him captive until he was of no use.
"Too bad you were only paying attention to Calley." Y/n cooed whilst smirking.
"Damn...you..." Aizawa fell unconscious.
Y/n smirked.
"Mission accomplished."

To be continued

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