14 : ̗̀➛ death scream

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Witnessing the events as they unfolded was non other than All For One. He saw potential in Y/n so he helped her. As the young girl was thrown into the air and then got back onto the ground, All For One used an invisibility quirk and ran towards her. As he was getting closer, he used a time stopping quirk which would allow him to help the young girl. He picked out a quirk that would suit her pre-existing one. All For One would then transfer this quirk to Y/n, leave the battle grounds, and then unfreeze time. Finally, he picked one out and it was perfect. It was, Death Scream.

Chapter 14: Death Scream

The villainous man was careful with the process of giving the quirk to Y/n since it would be dangerous if one person had two quirks. If anything, she would turn into a Nomu or something braindead. The man decided he'd only give her a sliver of it, strong enough to help and weak enough to not make her become brainless. All For One immediately left after his work was done and he proceeded to unfreeze time.
"Y/n!" Calley yelled once time went back to normal.
Said girl opened her eyes and just before the Nomu hit her once more, she got the sudden urge to scream. She made eye contact with the Nomu and screamed like her instincts told her to do. The Nomu immediately fell to its knees and its head fell to the ground. It tried to cover its ears but it was all to no avail. Just as the last minute was up, the Nomu went limp. Its movements halted and Kurogiri yelled,
"Time's up!"
The girl sighed in relief and relaxed on the ground. She put her arm over her eyes to block the sun. A certain raven haired villain ran to check up on her.
"Y-Y/n! Are you okay?!" He asked frantically as he got on his knees and inspected her.
"Yeah....I'm fine." She smiled.
She tried to sit up but just as she did, a wave of pain striked her back. She yelped and fell back.
"Does something hurt?" Dabi asked.
"M-My back." The young girl stuttered.
Dabi nodded and began to put his arms under her with the intent of carrying her somewhere to rest.
"Where are you two going?" Shigaraki demanded.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Dabi growled.
Shigaraki just scowled and went to check on the defeated Nomu. There was something he hadn't told anyone, not even Kurogiri. The whole point of the battle was to test Y/n's will to not give up and to test her bravery as well. Shigaraki couldn't let Y/n out into the world because there was still that chance she'd tell the pro's about the villains new base so the only other option if she failed everything was to kill her or let her stay but not let her get much freedom. Shigaraki could only say, he was beyond impressed with the results of the test. She for sure passed in his eyes.
"But...what's this that I'm feeling?" Shigaraki asked himself.
Only an intellectual can pinpoint this feeling exactly. It's love, undiscovered love. Shigaraki was beginning to love Y/n and everything about her. He sighed and began to focus on the task of disposing the beaten and dead Nomu.
"I'll check up on her later." He thought and slightly smiled, a light pink covering his cheeks.

DABI POV ( ° ͜ʖ °)
"Be more careful next time, will you?" I said, looking down at Y/n.
She smiled and nodded.
"I'll try."
I smiled back and entered her room.
"Is there anything you want before I leave?" I asked as I set her down on her bed.
She shook her head.
"I'm fine, thanks." She said.
I nodded and left her room.

Timeskip by 3 hours

Y/N POV ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)
As I was inspecting my costume for any rips, my door was opened. I turned around and to my surprise, it was Shigaraki.
"How do you feel?" He asked.
"I'm feeling okay, thanks for asking." I replied, looking back at my costume.
"You passed." Shigaraki said.
My eyes widened and I looked back at him.
"You passed. You won the battle." Shigaraki stated.
I sighed in relief.
"That's good." I smiled a bit.
I went back to working on my costume so I didn't notice a tint of pink of Shigaraki's cheeks.
"Well, I'll just go now." He said.
I nodded and he left my room.
"Perhaps he isn't that bad of a person." I smiled to myself.

The young, light blue haired male then left the girl's room with a blush on his handless face. Her smile had elicited the blush.
"I guess I...like her. Maybe I should tell her how I feel," Shigaraki sighed.
"I'll do it." He said to himself in a confident voice.

To be continued

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