16 : ̗̀➛ flee the heroes

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Y/N POV ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)
I sat in the interrogation room. A dull, bland, and simple room with two chairs and a table.
"Did you have a specific plan?" An interrogator asked.
I didn't respond. The interrogator clearly got annoyed since she slammed her hand - in front of me, on the table. I flinched a bit.
"Did this plan include a pro hero?" She asked again, this time, with a harsher tone of voice.
I didn't respond again. The interrogator looked over at a glass window, where officers and a few other interrogators were. An officer, who I assumed was the one with most authority, nodded. The interrogator with me smirked and looked back at me. I shivered as her smirk faded and she got closer to me.
"What are your plans!?" She yelled in my face.
"G-Go to hell!" I retorted, glaring at her.
She groaned, raised her hand, and smacked me. I whimpered and held my cheek, where she'd smacked me. The interrogator quickly grabbed the back of my head, grabbing some of my hair, and got closer to my face.
"Now, you are going to tell me what you were planning unless you want to end up dead." The interrogator said, mere inches away from my face.
"Ngh....why should...I...tell you?" I glared.
The interrogator roughly let go of my hair, clicked her tongue, and left the room.

Chapter 16: Flee The Heroes

I was sitting on a cold bed inside a cell. Officers locked me inside and said they'd try again tomorrow. A few minutes had passed and I got tired so I fell asleep in the cold, somber cell.

Meanwhile with Dabi, he'd been waiting for Y/n with the bait. Eventually, he couldn't wait anymore so he brought Momo's father with him to the LOV base.
"Alright, you two should go now. It's clear N/n and Dabi are taking their time- About time you showed up!" Shigaraki was talking to Toga and Calley until he noticed Dabi enter the base.
"What the hell took you so long? Where's N/n?!" Shigaraki asked.
"Shut up, will you? Y/n was captured by a hero." Dabi said in an irritated tone.
Shigaraki's eyes widened at the mention of Y/n's capture.
"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go get her back!" Toga stepped in.
"We need a plan. It's not going to be easy to get her back." Calley told Toga as she put a hand on her shoulder.
Toga pouted.
"I wanna get her back though!" She whined.
"We all do. But we can't go in there without a plan, we'll get crushed." Shigaraki said.
He began to think of a plan to get Y/n back.
"I've got one." He finally said.
Shigaraki called all the members who were free and didn't have missions. It wasn't very many. Kurogiri, Calley, Toga, Dabi, Muscular, and Spinner were the only available members.
"Alright. I'm gonna need Kurogiri to be ready when we get Y/n. You'll get us back to the base. Spinner, Calley, and Toga will distract any heroes who are there while Muscular, Dabi, and I go to Y/n's location. Muscular and Dabi will watch my back as I disintegrate the cell that Y/n might be in. Got it?" Shigaraki summarized the plan as best he could.
Everyone nodded. Time soon came and everyone was as ready as they could be. When they got to the prison where Y/n was, Shigaraki told Dabi to create smoke to help the distractors. Once the smoke appeared, Spinner was the first to appear and then came Toga. Calley stuck with the others to make them a path and then she stayed to fight with Toga and Spinner in the main entrance. The other four snuck as best as they could, considering Muscular's size, and they eventually found Y/n. She was now sitting on her bed, looking at the floor and looking as dull as ever.
"Hey." Dabi whispered.
Y/n's head slowly turned to Dabi. Her dull, e/c eyes met Dabi's turquoise ones. Immediately, as soon as her brain registered Dabi's and the others presence, life came to her eyes and they were shining once again. She smiled a bit and waved. Dabi smiled and waved back.
"Alright, watch my back." Shigaraki said as he began to work on the lock.
It didn't take a single minute. The lock had been disintegrated with the touch of Shigaraki's fingers. The lock's dusty remains fell to the floor and Shigaraki opened the cell door. Y/n quickly stepped out and enveloped Shigaraki into a hug. Said male blushed but hugged back.
"Thank you for coming." She mumbled but Shigaraki heard.
"Of course." He replied.
Dabi glanced at them, a slight bit of jealousy consumed him. He sighed and looked away. The others soon came running to them.
"We have to go! There's heroes on the way!" Calley yelled.
Shigaraki pulled away from the hug and nodded.
"Kurogiri." He called.
Said male nodded and warped everyone back to the base. Everyone sighed a breath of relief once they saw the familiar place.
"Thank you everyone for coming. I appreciate it." Y/n said as she smiled.
"No problem, Y/n." Calley smiled as she slumped on a nearby couch.
"We're glad you're back!" Toga chimed.
Y/n chuckled. This certainly felt like home, more than ever. Someone cleared their throat.
"There's something I've got to tell you, N/n. In private." Shigaraki said.
Dabi tensed up at this. He didn't know exactly what Shigaraki would tell Y/n but he had a vague idea. After all, he did notice all the small stares Shigaraki would give Y/n when she wasn't looking.
"I-...I have to tell you something, too." Dabi awkwardly stepped in.
"Okay....when would be the right time?" Y/n asked.
Shigaraki glared at Dabi before finally speaking,
"Give us a moment. We'll talk to you in about ten minutes."
Y/n nodded. Shigaraki turned to Dabi and grabbed his arm. He pulled him into an empty room.
"What the hell was that for?!" Dabi was quite understandably angry.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Shigaraki retorted.
"What the hell do YOU think you're doing?! What were you going to tell her?!" Dabi yelled.
"My feelings, goddamit!" Shigaraki yelled.
"Oh, you're feelings, huh?! Well guess what? I was going to tell her MY feelings, too!" Dabi was jealous by this point.
He didn't want Y/n to end up with someone else. Shigaraki groaned.
"Hell, this is ridiculous-"
"Ridiculous? Oh well I'm sorry, I have emotions unlike someone I know! It's not my fault you're so caught up with work that you don't have emotions." Dabi mumbled the last part, still in an enraged tone.
"How did this even turn into having emotions or not?! The point is, we both love Y/n and we have to figure something out!" Shigaraki yelled.
"Gah! And what do you suppose we do, Genius?" Dabi asked.
"We both tell her." Shigaraki growled.
Dabi was taken aback. He didn't want to go through with it but he knew it was the only logical solution at this point. He began to calm his jealousy and rage.
"Fine. If she chooses, we won't get angry." Dabi said, staring into Shigaraki's eyes seriously.
Shigaraki nodded. Dabi was calm at this time, he decided he didn't care who Y/n chose. Just as long as she was happy, he'd be too.

To be continued

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