13 : ̗̀➛ enter, USJ nomu

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Y/N POV ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)
Alright, no need to worry. Everything will go well and I'll get to stay. I was pacing in my room. I was waiting for Kurogiri to come give me the signal to go and fight the Nomu and I was getting anxious by the minute. I had my costume on but my face mask was off at the moment. I then heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I called out.
Kurogiri opened it and spoke,
"It's time." I nodded in response.
I inhaled and exhaled,
"Alright." I opened the door to allow myself out.
I walked into the new base we'd gotten and to the outside which had a larger field or yard than the old bar. I put my face mask on. It's time to win.

Chapter 13: Enter, USJ Nomu

Once I walked out, I noticed Dabi, Toga, Calley, and Izuku. A scowl formed on my face at the sight of Izuku. When he saw me he only looked away, damn coward. I walked to the middle of the field when Shigaraki came out with the Nomu. When he saw me, he began to speak,
"You'll fight for 15 minutes. In those 15 minutes, your goal is to either defeat the Nomu or to last the entire time. You're allowed to use your quirk and you can use the terrain to your advantage," Shigaraki pointed at the huge rocks out in the field.
"Got it?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Alright, you may begin. Go Nomu!" Shigaraki yelled and ran to the sidelines to get out of the Nomu's way. The Nomu lunged itself at me and I barely managed to dodge. I swiftly scanned my surroundings.
"I can't use my poison since there are no available users besides those in the sidelines. Dammit!" I thought.
I looked up to see where the Nomu was. It was right in front of my face. I gasped as it punched the side of my stomach. I flew to the left of the the field, slight blood coming from my mouth. I tried to sit up and I cleaned the blood off of my mouth and looked towards the Nomu. It was already running towards me! My eyes widened and I quickly began to look for something to hide behind. There was a rock big enough for me to hide behind a few inches away. I quickly got up and ran towards the rock while simultaneously dodging the Nomu's attack. I ran and ran and ran. Once out of sight of the Nomu, I tried to quickly regain my breath.
"Alright, if my eyes don't lie to me, that's the same Nomu that appeared at the USJ. So it has to have shock absorption and super regeneration," I thought.
"Actually, I haven't seen if the Nomu can get its life force taken." I thought again.
Well, there's nothing wrong with trying.
"Death's Ring." I spoke and looked at the Nomu from my peripheral vision without fully going outside.
Nothing. Nothing happened.
I huffed and tried to think of something else when I heard fast steps. They were coming towards my spot. I looked out and it was non other than the Nomu. I screamed and began to run to another spot.
"What can I do?!" I asked myself.
If only I could fill my pearl with life force perhaps I'd have a chance. I could blind it and then kick its knees so it falls. But what then? All of a sudden, the Nomu screeched which took me by surprise but it gave me an idea. It has nothing to do with the screeching but it could still work. I can take off the rings on my legs and put them on the Nomu's wrists. Hopefully it lasts for a long time. I can blind it with my face mask before I try, too. I inhaled and exhaled before running out of my current hiding spot and calling the Nomu.
"Hey! Over here!" I yelled.
The Nomu screeched and ran towards me.

When the girl screamed, the villains on the sidelines could only watch in terror as the Nomu screeched and began sprinting towards Y/n.
"What the hell is she doing?!" Dabi thought.
"Y/n, you don't stand a chance!" Calley thought.
"Oh no, Y/n be careful!" Toga thought.
Izuku only watched with wide eyes, witnessing his love fight a creature that only the previous number one hero could defeat.
"Please don't die." He thought, hands cuffed.
Y/n huffed and picked up a handful of random sticks. She then began to climb up the Nomu and simultaneously took off her mask and wrapped it around the Nomu's head and ensured it was stuck there by sticking about three sticks in each of the Nomu's eyes. Dabi's eyes widened at his love interest's actions. He began to get hopeful. Y/n then quickly climbed down and kicked the Nomu's knees. The Nomu fell down and the 16 year old girl began to take off the rings on her legs. She put them on the Nomu's wrists and looked at Kurogiri whom was keeping track of time.
"How much time is left?" She asked, trying to regain her breath.
Kurogiri looked baffled and then frantically looked at his watch.
"T-Two minutes!" He spoke.
The girl's eyes glimmered with hope. However, fate had other plans. The Nomu gave one last screech before ripping the rings on its wrists, breaking the sticks, taking off the face mask, and running towards the girl. She turned and her eyes widened with fear and lost hope. She was quickly tossed up by the Nomu and given a punch to the stomach. She coughed blood and her sight began to blur but she was persistent. Once on the ground, she couldn't move. When the Nomu ran to her, she only rolled away - her last attempt to stay in the League.

To be continued

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