Chapter 42: New Life (3)

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Xue Liang would think everyday about Liu Gang. She was losing hope but there was always that slight hope still in her burning. Getting up, deciding to walk around the forest for some time. Remembering the time they had when struggling with one another.

Sitting down on the root of the tree. She stared to the sky rubbing her belly. Her child kicked as she smiled knowing that her child was active and alive. "Mother's little child. She hopes that you can come out of this world happy. She wants to make sure that you can find your happiness as well." She rubbed once again feeling more kicks along the way. "Mother's little child has to be patient during the next few months."

"Liang! Where are you?!" Her mother had been calling her. She rose up walking out of the forest area to her little home. Her mother ran to her holding her hand. "Where did you go!?" Her mother said with concern the whole time.

"I went for a walk. I needed to clear my thoughts." Xue Liang told her mother to ensure she was safe. Holding her mother's hand back. Going back to their home they decided to talk along the way.

"Liang, you must be careful. There have been hunters seen lately here due to the fact there are large felines in this forest. They seek to find fur and use it or even potentially us." Her mother was trying to tell her to keep out of the outer forest part where hunters have been seeking them.

"I know my mother. I've seen them already. They haven't reached the inner forest yet. Which makes it good for us to remain deep within the forest. I'll be sure to be careful." Xue Liang said. Reaching back to where Su Lei and Su Rong were.

"Did Madam Liang walk again?" Su Rong asked, looking at her.

"Yeah, I went to clear my thoughts. I just need to clear my mind for some time. It's been a few months already and I'm not sure what to believe anymore if Gang is still alive or not." Xue Liang held her hands together feeling. Su Rong can sense the sadness of her dearest friend. She rose up holding her hands gently smiling up to Xue Liang.

"Remember, have hope. Do not forget." Su Rong said to her wanting to make her still have happiness and hope that he couldn't have possibly died that easily. Peng Lim had informed Su Rong about going to find Liu Gang if he was really gone.

Xue Liang smiled as a tear trickled down her cheek. She missed Liu Gang so much just thinking about their times together in his home that they had left and abandoned.


Spies were sent from Qiliang Kingdom, they watched from afar as if they were felines. They disguised themselves and were on a duty to find their future emperor's mate. "General Liu's wife left this manor so soon. No one even remains here anymore. They've all just left and disappeared without a single trace of where they have gone." The spies heard a few manservants who used to serve under Liu Gang.

"Such a pity. She was still young, the emperor was going to have her marry her to one of his sons but apparently he allowed her to leave this kingdom. It has been four months since she left. Now her sister is rising in power keeping all the poor and common to suffer. I have heard from her father that General Peng went searching for General Liu's body if it really was within the dead soldiers." The servants spoke leaving as they carried the remains of their things.

The two spies looked to each other knowing that they had to inform their prince of the news. Traveling back to the Qiliang Kingdom they entered the palace where their empress and crown prince remained. "Tell us why you didn't return back with your future emperor's mate?" Their empress said but once she did they shivered knowing her aura.

"No one remains in the manor. They've all said that she left." One spy said kneeling as he cupped his hand.

"They said she was nearly wedded to one of the emperor's sons but refused for some reason after. All of the servants and maids no longer remain in the manor. She has been gone from that manor for four months. No one knows where she has gone." The other spy said as they heard a loud growl.

Everyone turned to look at Liu Gang who had anger rising within him. Everyone had backed down knowing their position. The prince was deeply in anger and could attack anyone at that moment. No one moved knowing they could be killed within that second.

"Gang, calm down. Do you both have anything else to inform me?" Liu Gang's mother asked the two spies below as they kept their heads down.

"They said about General Peng who left to search for General Liu's body in the pile of soldiers. They said that he was the only one who stayed in the Ming Kingdom but left looking for the crown prince's body." The spies said. Their empress looked to them then to her son. Liu Gang's pauses hearing his friend's name as he soon calmed down from his anger. He needed to find Peng Lim.

"My son, do you know this General Peng?" His mother asked him to look for answers.

"Yes, he is like us as well. A feline, we met when we were in the military." He told his mother as she smiled seeing that he had been with the right people growing up.

"Would you perhaps like to look for your friend to help you find your wife?" She questioned him.

He nodded, wanting to find Xue Liang as soon as possible. He thought of her everyday thinking about how hurt she was when she was given the news that he had died in battle.

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