A lost love

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Photos your gonna see I edited, i did my best to make them seem old so bare with me thanks-


It was a lovely morning down at the hotel. Clint was out of his room in hopes he could spend some time with Matt. With a knock on a door he stood patiently waiting for it to open. No answer at first till Clint knocked one more time. Mathew finally answered the door though he seemed rather down.

"Oh hello Clinton" 

"Clint is fine, listen I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a coffee or something?" 

Clint was feeling a bit nervous which was quite obvious by how he was speaking.

"I don't think I want to right now.."

"Oh well maybe later we could go out for lunch?" 

Matt sighed.

"I don't know...Today just isn't-"

"Or how about some dinner? Hmm? Whaddya say Sunshine?"

Matt's expression changed to a look of hurt.

Clint was met with a door slam to the face.

"Oh gosh, was it something I said?" 

Clint yelled, fearing he had ruined whatever possible chance he could've had.

The door next door to Matt's apartment opened revealing Stephen. 

"I heard a door slam, what happened? Is Matt okay?" 

"I don't know, I seem to have upset him but I don't know how"

Stephen started to get worried for his best friend. He closed the door of his apartment slowly, not wanting to wake Tony. He approached Matt's door and knocked on it gently.

"Matt? Matt can you please open the door. I wanna know if you're okay. You can talk to me" 

After what felt like a long while Matt opened his door again. 

"I rather be alone.." 

"Matt please..." 

Stephen softly said. He didn't want his friend alone knowing he wasn't feeling okay.

Matt sighed and hesitantly said.

"Alright come in.."

Stephen and Clint followed Matt into his apartment. It seemed neat at first until you went more into the living room. On the couch was a small pile of papers along with some scattered photos.

Matt sat down on the couch, on a spot that didn't have photos or paper. Stephen and Clint stood across from Matt, watching him keep his head low as he held a Polaroid photograph of a man.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong? Your my best friend Matt, I want to be there for you" 

Who knows how many times Matt had been down and Stephen wasn't there to help him. He's not making up for that though, he needs him now and Stephen will do what it takes to cheer him up.

Though this pain Matt was feeling will take a lot of recovering.

"It's the anniversary of.."

Matt sighed sadly, a single tear falling out of his eye.

"When I lost the love of my life...." 

Clint went wide eyed as Stephen put a hand over his own mouth. He didn't know that he had lost someone near and dear to him.

Matt caressed the photo of his love. Missing the feel of his face.

"His name's Frank Castle. You would've liked him Stephen.." 

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