Falling for the blind

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"You doing alright there Clint?"


Clint had been in thought again. Most likely because of Matthew having now taken over his mind.

"Oh yeah pfft-totally fine" 

He didn't realize though that Stephen was introducing his friends to Matthew and Clint was the last to introduce.

"-and I see you already met Clint" 

"Yes I have" 
Matt confirmed, a hint of blush on his cheeks. 

"You know such a nice reunion deserves a celebration, what do you guys say huh? Party tonight?" 
Tony suggests while the others seemed to have already agreed towards it. The mechanic then turned to Ericks direction, who was enjoying the nice reunion between Stephen and Matt.

"Is that alright with you? You and Charles are also invited of course" 

Erick chuckled.
"We'd love to join. You guys seem like responsible gentlemen so it's fine for you to throw a party" 

The men discussed who brings what and what time should each person arrive. More important however is where to throw the party. They all agreed at Stephens and Tony's apartment. 

"I gotta figure out what to wear.." 
Matt said while thinking, getting startled by Clint's voice after.

"I can help!" 

He rushed out the words soon feeling embarrassed with himself. Real smooth Barton, Definitely didn't seem creepy at all. 

"I could ah -cough- help you in deciding what to wear. Also help you to your room if you'd like?" 

Lots of blush was on the two male's faces. Clint was just making what seems to be an embarrassing way to be nice. So Matthew took no offense or anything to it.

"Ah sure yeah" 

Clint shyly wrapped his arm around Matthews, while Matt's other hand held the cane. The two left together.

"Me, Barnes and Rogers are gonna get the stuff we'll be back later!"
Rhodey announced as the three left. 

"We should organize the room and give it some more space" 
Tony suggested to his boyfriend. 

Stephen nodded and Tony went ahead to go to the room. Stephen was stopped by Ericks voice.

"You know your friend has never needed someone's assistance before" 

Stephen turned around.
"He was like that in school too. Always knew his way around" 

Erick smirked.
"Yet without hesitation let your friend Clint help him. Im sure I'm not the only one who caught the looks on their faces" 

Stephen thought back, they did seem to act differently when with each other. 

"You don't suppose they maybe-"

"-Like each other? Definitely"

Erick continued the sentence for Stephen. It was pretty clear that something was growing between Matt and Clint. 

Speaking of which.

Matt and Clint were in Matt's room. Clint was looking through Matt's closet while Matt sat on the bed.

"Hmm...hey this black shirt would look good-"

"Not that one!"

Matt took away the shirt from Clint, putting it back on it's hanger.

"S-sorry it's just...I just can't wear that shirt"

Clint rubbed Matt's back.
"Hey it's alright. I'll find another for you"

Clint couldn't shake the feeling that maybe Matt was hiding something. He doesn't want to force it out of him, so he doesn't ask. Matthew actually was hiding something, it wasn't really secret but he prefers not to mention it. At least not yet, not now.

Later on the party finally took place. There was dancing and music. Charles was talking to Matt for awhile til Erik asked his boyfriend to dance. 

Matt wasn't alone for long and was soon accompanied by Clint.

"Hey Matt do you- well if you want because you don't have to uh, maybe want to-"

Matt continued with a smile. 

Clint blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.


"I'd like that" 

Clint took Matt's hand carefully and helped him up. Another song has now played. 

Funny how I find myself in love with you

If I could buy my reasoning I'd pay to lose

One half won't do

Everyone danced and had a blast. Soon most were tired and had gone home. Clint decided to be a gentleman and walk Matthew to his room. 

Clint never really felt the way he does for Matt with anyone. He thought he did for a woman named Laura but she turned out to be something he didn't want. There's something about Matthew that draws Clint closer. He felt shy, nervous and yet really wanted to be close with the blind man. 

When the two arrived at Matthews door, he turned and faced Barton. 

"Thanks for walking me back but you didn't have to, we are inside a building"

Matt chuckled as Clint laughed nervously.

"I just wanted to- you know make sure you get here safely"

"Such a gentleman"

Matt surprised himself and Clint when he kissed his cheek. It was sweet of Clint to make sure he was safe.

"Matt i- gosh don't hate me"

"Hate you for what?"

Clint didn't answer, instead he showed what he had meant. 

By kissing him.

Clint really wanted to show how he felt towards Matt. Yes they had only met a couple of hours ago but he felt that Matt was the one. In the time of the 80s love was usually a right away and for sure feeling. Especially to Clint, he didn't want to miss a possible chance at finding romance. He at least wanted to try and was taken by surprise when he kissed back.

When they parted Matt had a small smile. Clint felt swoon just by smiling this man looked gorgeous.

"Goodnight Clinton"
He said as he opened his door.

"Goodnight Matthew"
Clint replied as the door shut. A big smile formed on his lips and he excitedly left to go tell Rhodey, fist bumping the air as he did so.

Matt leaned against his door as he felt his lips with his fingers. He liked the kiss but he hated himself for actually doing it. A part of him really does like Clint but another felt terrible. 

Was this wrong?

He shouldn't feel this way, he swore he wouldn't again but-

Matthew slid down to the floor and started to cry. 

Some many things were racing through his head.

What would he think?

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