epilogue ▬▬▬ real life

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IT HAD BEEN a few days since Tyra, Lacey and Tom had returned back to California. They had spent a few extra days out in PA to keep Tyra away from the public's eye for a while. In the days that they had left for PA both David and Liza had released their break-up video announcing their split.

They both went on to say that Tyra had nothing to do with their break-up and that they had to leave her out of the crossfire. There were a lot of upset fans but they understood why they had wanted to break-up.

Tyra was in the kitchen eating a snack while Tom and Lacey sat in the living room, music playing in the background. The two were texting someone, but Tyra was to busy looking at the first photo that she and David had taken together when they first met.

Suddenly out of the blue Natalie's contact pops up on her screen. It's a text message, she taps on it allowing her phone to go to her text messages. Soon she is responding back to Natalie, seeing why she had texted her.

Tyra lifts her head to see that Tom and Lacey were still occupied with their phones. She lowered her head back to her phone, texting Natalie back. After sending her response she watched as the three dots appeared at the bottom.

The second message was received, and when she looked at it her heart seemed to stop. David wanted her, Lacey and Tom to come over and hang out but he had been afraid to ask her simply because they hadn't talked in a while.

Tyra texted back with a 'I'm on my way', before she knew it she jumped off the chair heading towards her room to grab her bag. Both Lacey and Tom exchanged a look with each other, however as they did they both received a text message from both Natalie and Liza explaining what they were doing and of course the two were on board with the whole thing.

They climbed out of the chairs they were sitting in and walked to the front of Tyra's house, just as she came back down the steps with her bag resting on her shoulder.

"Do you guys wanna come with me?" Tyra asked looking between her two best friends.

"Where are we going?" Tom asked.

He didn't want her to know that they knew what was actually going on. Tom had to play it cool even though he wanted to tell her what was going to happen when they got to David's house.

"David wants us to come over, but he couldn't ask because we hadn't talked in a while so Natalie asked. I told her I was on my way." Tyra explained not realizing that she had a smile resting on her lips.

"Yeah, let's go." Lacey said ushering her out the front door. They walked out after her closing the door behind them.

The three walked over to Tyra's car, she climbed into the driver's side while Lacey climbed into the passenger seat and Tom climbed into the back. Once they were all buckled up Tyra turned her car on and pulled out of the driveway, heading towards David's house.

She knew it was there that she would tell him that she loved him and wanted to be with him. But she feared that he might reject her, she wasn't entirely sure how David felt about her. She hoped he felt the same way.


After an hour of driving, Tyra finally pulled into the driveway that led to David's house. She turned her car off, but she didn't move. Both Lacey and Tom exchanged a look with each other not sure why she wasn't getting out of her car.

"I don't think I can do this." Tyra spoke, turning to look between Lacey and Tom.

"Why not?" Lacey questioned, looking back at Tyra.

"Because of how things were left. I can't go in there and hang out with him." Tyra explained, placing her eyes on her hands.

She really wanted to see David but she hadn't talked to him since their last conversation, which in her mind kinda ended badly and she feared what would happen.

"Maybe you should go to the door, knock on it and should he answer you tell him your sorry." Lacey told her, while Tom nodded his head in agreement.

"She's right Ty, I'm sure David will forgive you." Tom added, hoping their words would push her to go knock on the door.

"Yeah, okay. You guys are right. Let's go." Tyra said.

She turned towards her door, opening it. Grabbing her bag she jumped out landing on the ground. Tom and Lacey climbed out after she did, the two came up to Tyra waiting for her to walked towards the front door.

Lacey looked down at her phone sending a text to Natalie informing her that they were there, but they were waiting for Tyra to move. She texted back telling her that she would get David to answer the door, from there they knew that their plan would work.

Tyra took a deep breath in, and exhaled. Once she was ready she walked towards the front door with Lacey and Tom following behind her. The two lifted their phones recording the whole thing so they could share it with anyone who wanted to see it, who wasn't at David's house.

Tyra came to a stop in front of the door completely oblivious to Tom and Lacey recording her. She lifted her hand, knocking on the glass. She could see David talking to a few of his friends that include Natalie.

Within seconds David had climbed off the couch heading towards the front door. He was shocked to see that Tyra had actually showed up to his house, but he placed a smile on his face ready to greet her.

His camera was in his hand, and he was recording. David opened the door, sending a smile to Lacey and Tom. Then his eyes fell onto Tyra who stared back at him.

"Before you say anything I really need to get this off my chest, now that I'm here standing in front of you." Tyra spoke, a small smile running to her lips.

"Okay." David simply replied.

"I'm sorry for not talking to you. It killed me to do that, I probably won't ever do that again. I just want you to know that I'm sorry about that. And I'm sorry about the way I acted, I just wasn't used to the fact that people thought I was trying to get in between you and Liza which wasn't the truth. I know I told you this a while back and you reacted differently but I need to tell you again. I have fallen hopelessly in love with you, and my feelings for you won't go away." Tyra told the YouTuber. "As much as I'd like the feelings to go away, they aren't. I don't want to wake up tomorrow not knowing if you felt the same way about me. I want to be honest with you because you are everything to me. I don't care that I fell in love with you or that people don't like us together. I want to be with you, because you make me feel like myself. I'm never not going to get over the way you make me feel, and people need to understand that. You need to understand it. I just hope you feel the same way." Tyra finished explaining, a smile resting on her lips.

David looked at Tom and Lacey, than looked back at his friends that had gathered around to hear his answer. He was happy nonetheless to see that Tyra had finally admitted her feelings in person, and now he understood who Natalie had been talking too.

He turned back around looking at Tyra who was still waiting for an answer of some kind whether it was a good answer or a bad answer. She seemed prepared for whatever answer would fall out of his mouth. David shook his head placing a smile on his lips.

"I do." He breathed our staring at the person he had grown to love.

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