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><>3rd person POV<><
::: Previously: The dark void being had just finished preparing it's small crew of 15 well trained and trusted outlaws. Their plan: to help Herobrine, "The Lord of Darkness," finally kill his brother. :::
   [Mild warning: descriptive death]

     "Are your men ready?" Herobrine asked over his shoulder, standing in front of a massive Nether Portal next to the dark, humanoid void. It's eyes scrunched to show joy.

     "Are yours?" It asked playfully. The void had no armor on, but Herobrine was fully suited in obsidian armor with some diamond and gold decorating on it. The Lord of Darkness simply nodded, and raised his new enchanted obsidian sword. Millions of shouts echoed through the Nether from the armies ready at the portal gates. Dramatically, Herobrine sent his arm -- holding the sword -- forward like the hand of a clock, and his armies rushed forward like a flood of iron and leather through the massive portals.

     The being got in the fighting spirit too, "CHARGE!!" it shouted in joy, leaping through the portal with Herobrine. On the immediate other side of the portal where it's crew, all geared up and ready for a fight, marveling at the armies spilling out of the portals like liquid. The massive Nether Portals all ringed around a large castle made of light and colorful blocks, mostly quartz. The terrain was a basic forest, nothing special about it. Good thing too, because the moment the armies poured through, they made it known by setting everything in sight on fire. Hordes of zombie pigmen held flint and steel in their hands, and would keep using this until they either broke, or combating soldiers came their way. After that, it would be a full-on war.

     And that it became.

     The dark being ran into battle besides Herobrine, his trusty crew on all sides around him. When the enemy armies came, all Nether broke loose. Explosions rattled the ground. War cries were shouted every second. The evil snorts and squeals of the pigmen nauseating. It was impossible to call it a little tussle. The void felt it had chosen it's crew correctly as it watched Herobrine's soldiers fall left and right, seemingly worthless, while it's own group patrolled one another's flanks, making sure everyone stayed unharmed.

     "There he is! Keep watch over the ground! I got this!" Herobrine ordered the humanoid void once he saw a dot hover up into the sky. Herobrine then flew low, below the trees. Finally, when he reached the other side of the castle, as close to the floating object as possible, he shot strait up at it, getting in the first deadly blow on it from below. When he came back down on the floating thing however, it blocked. The floating object was a man. It was Notch.

      The void did as it was told: keeping with it's crew, quickly making it's way towards the castle; for inside the castle was one of the most important objects the other side possessed. When it came to Notch versus Herobrine, Notch had a MASSIVE advantage over him in the form of respawning. This ability was kept in the form of a large object in the middle of the thickest - walled room in the center of the castle. This object, no one really knew what it was. But they all knew where it was. Destroy this, and Notch would be put back on the same playing field as Herobrine.

     The void and it's crew fought their way skillfully through the army of humans trying to protect their pitiful god. The void only got more excited as it came closer to the castle. Finally, the group reached one of the walls to the large building. While the being and a few others debated how to get in, the rest fought off the unrelenting soldiers. Thankfully, Herobrine's army was there to help too.

     "I say we blow a few holes in this wall." One of the thinkers smiled mischievously.

     "O-o-oh yeah!" The void being agreed excitedly. The one who suggested it then pulled out some TNT and placed a few blocks along the wall. Everyone backed up knowingly as he then lit the first block. One by one there was a chain reaction of explosions down the wall, and the Nether Forces had multiple entrance points.

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