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><>3rd person POV<><
::: Previously: "All alone, in the silence, the dark void fell to it's knees -- it's outline barely visible in the darkness -- and stayed that way, silently; unable to cry." :::


     The sound of a rusty door opening could be heard from all the way down the halls. A series of footsteps from the door followed. In a dark room, absolutely silent, was a lone figure, it's outline almost impossible to spot in the darkness. The dark figure's stance was low, as it kept on it's knees. Heavy obsidian chains enchanted with some unknown spell weighed the being down, keeping it from moving. The figure's dull eyes flickered open as the sound of footsteps came closer. It recognized the foot pattern. The figure shook as if it were vibrating, worried what might come next now that it has managed to survive this long.

     "H- h- h-" A high, polite sounding voice tried to speak, but was silenced right away by the newcommer's voice. Sure enough, it was Herobrine.

     "Save the formality for later." Herobrine's voice spat, sounding in the worst of moods. "So, has it cracked yet?" He asked the guard. There was no immediate verbal answer.

     "...After a couple months, the thing just stopped talking. We are not quite sure what that means." The guard finally spoke.

     "...Do you know what this thing is yet?.." Herobrine whispered just loud enough for the figure to fill in the blanks it had missed in it's head.

     "Not at all, my king. We can tell it feels pain, but we have yet to find any form of blood or wounds anywhere. As far as we know, it appears to be made of pure dark matter." The guard whispered back. There was some more silence until the void's cell door opened, forcing blinding light from the hallway to peer into the form's eyes. The void squinted and lowered it's head. In through the door, stepped Herobrine. His glowing eyes looking extra terrifying with them set in kill mode. Null shook, but didn't speak.

     "What?" Herobrine grinned, taking a step closer. "Too afraid to talk to your old pal?" The void didn't answer. It's head only cowered to the ground like a mistreated puppy. Herobrine walked up towards the humanoid void, a little angry that the being was not answering.

     "Hm, strange. You usually would be saying some snarky comment by now." Herobrine pointed out, but still, Null stayed quiet. It could actually think of several things it could respond with; but none of them were worth saying at the time. "Ugh. Bring that thing along." Herobrine instructed right before turning out the door and leaving. In his place entered two large wither skeletons as well as a short enderman with blue eyes instead of purple. Without any struggling, Null was unchained from the wall and it's chains were held tightly by each wither skeleton. Once out in the warn stone brick hallway, Null saw about twelve other endermen waiting to escort it as well. Darn! Null had hoped there would only be a few. "So, was it any trouble for you?" Herobrine asked the smaller enderman who walked in front of the prisoner, not too far behind Herobrine himself.

     "Quite a bit, actually. It kept attempting to escape until we finally pulled out the enchanted chains." The short enderman replied.

     "That bad, hu? Well, looks like our little friend here doesn't like being cooped up." Herobrine smiled deviously over his shoulder at the prisoner. Null only scowled back at him before looking down in shame. As they walked, Null did nothing but look left and right slowly, looking for a single glimpse of hope in the form of an escape route. The void knew no one would be willing enough to rescue it. The poor thing had done nothing so far but cause trouble for itself. The walking lasted quite a while until everyone stopped when the hallway opened up into a decent size room with a simple table and two chairs on either side. One of the chairs looked comfy while the other was made of solid iron. Null was sat in the iron one of course, while Herobrine sat comfortably on the seat with a cushion. The two then sat awkwardly with their forearms resting on the table, just facing one another for a few minutes.

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