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><>2nd person POV<><
::: Previously: You managed to slip half of your special potion/poison into Notch's drink, meaning that it will take twice as long for the immortal to finally be claimed as dead. Nonetheless, so far your potion has worked, with Notch slumped over in his chair.. already in a state of deep sleep. :::

   "Who could have done this?!"
   "What happened?!"
   "Where is the medic?!"
   "Call in the guards!"
   "Lock down the castle!! No one can go either in or out!"
   "Someone explain to me what is even going on!"

     There were shouts from pretty much everyone in the castle. Even you blend in my breathing too fast and pacing around in a panic. You need to escape before the castle goes into official lock-down. If that happens, you will be caught for sure! Quickly, you run out of the room, making it look like you are going to get something as much as possible. Once in the silence of the distant hallway, you slip the maid's outfit off of you and run to the window you entered through. It is just a little bigger than the majority of the windows, so quite a tight squeeze, but luckily you are small.

     Once you have climbed your daw down safely into the ground, you hear a small whistle, and see Carter has perfectly hidden himself and the horse from a first glance look. You smile slightly, nearly out of trouble, and run over to the treeline as quickly as humanly possible, your special energy helping you run a little quicker than even that.

     But, you are far from safe just yet. For just outside the window, the gentleman from before spots you running, putting things together in his head... He needs this deal with Notch, so the other Immortals will follow along as well.. Maybe this is how he gets it.

><><>Several Magically Boring Hours Later<><><

     Carter is fast asleep on the back of his horse, Prince, while you and your mare guide the two forwards. There can't be any delay as you two travel further north to reach the antidote for that potion. Surprise surprise, it is a flower. One that only grows in a single flower patch in the entire world. You had made sure a long time ago to take note of the antidote's location, as well as the ingredients'. It is a long way to go, but with such a large head start, you doubt anyone will reach it before you. It should take them at least a day just to figure out what kind of poison it was, since the recipe was something you yourself had come up with nearly a couple hundred years ago, and only shared it with one other person, who had promised to keep it a secret. So, you should be in the clear when it comes to competition. The only problem is.. someone might intentionally follow you, knowing you are going to defend the antidote. If so, then that is very smart of them, however, they better have the fastest reflexes in the world if they want to go up against you and your newly crafted bow and arrows.

     Night finally sets in and you and Carter both decide that keeping up the same pace is a smart idea, so you lay down on your own horse and fall asleep. Carter takes charge for several hours, until there is a sound unlike a zombie, skeleton, spider, or even enderman. A human. Playing it casual, Carter slows Prince down until both your horses are side-by-side, and he gently pokes your shoulder.

     "Pss.. Cody- I- I mean Andrea... I think we have a follower." You wake up groggily, rubbing your eyes and yawning before fully processing what Carter said. Once you do, you fall silent, leaning over your horse silently, even though you now have a pretty sore back for sleeping on the horse. Carter does the same, crouching down. You slowly draw your bow, and Carter draws an old iron sword. There are a few more rustling noises, and the sound of a horse breathing heavily after running fast for so long. Someone must have followed you. They are trying to be sneaky, but it doesn't work like that when it comes to you. Only you get to be sneaky!

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