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><>2nd person POV<><
::: Previously: You and Carter are off; to a whole new adventure; on the exact same mission. Together, you agree to do a stealth mission. The plan is simple: sneak into Notch's castle, poison him with the special potion you have been working on for decades, and escape before being captured or discovered. :::

     'Shneak-shneak..' You quickly tiptoe through the halls, going back and forth between the small ones, each time intersecting one big one. 'Shneakidy shneek.' There you pass through, once again. '...Shneak!'

     Finally, you feel like you have had enough shneaking around, and sloppily draw on a piece of paper all the hallways you think are important for your plan. Then you roll the paper into a worthless looking paper ball, and toss it out one of the small castle windows as you pass by. This castle reminds you more of an indestructible fortress rather than a castle as you walk around. The windows along the walls let in very little light, and are likely only there to aim bows and crossbows through in any quick surprise attacks. The materials used for the walls themselves are dark concrete, in only slightly different shades to create variation, and purple carpets along the halls. It is DEFINITELY different to how his old castle looked!

     After a certain point in time, the planned ten minutes, you sneak into a janitors' closet and slip on a maid's outfit over your own. The plain, navy blue and white dress is a bit big and baggy, but will do just fine. You make sure the potion is nice and snug in your inventory, before heading out, broom in hand. Next up, phase three: breaking into the kitchen just before dinner time and pouring the tasteless potion into his drink. Outside, Carter is preparing the best escape route for if you are discovered before you can leave under the radar.

     You have never gone undercover like this before. It is somewhat exciting, and you keep yourself from shaking in emotions of all kinds rather well. You slip into the kitchen, only to find the drinks are already prepared and being carried out by a waitress. Ohh, snap! So, you sneak out of the kitchen and into the hallway which intersects the path the waitress is walking down. Slowly, quietly, you slip around the corner, seeing the young woman as she carries the tray.

     All of a sudden, you jump out, hitting the girl on the neck in the perfect place so that she passes out immediately, and quickly grab the tray and glasses on it.. all without making a single sound... First things first, you pull out a rope from your pocket and tie the woman's wrists up, then drag her into a nearby closet where hopefully she won't be able to warn anyone once she wakes up. Next up, the tray. Unfortunately, you see two glasses on it, and you don't know which one will be the king's. Furthermore, if you pour only half in each, then the effects will take TWICE as long, which might draw out to be two to three days: long enough for someone to find a cure. You shake your head violently. 'Come on, Andria, THINK!' Unfortunately, you are unable to think of any other solutions. You pour half of the potion in one glass and half of the potion in the other. You will just have to make sure that none of the king's helpers isn't able to find an antidote in time. Realizing that YOU are slowly running out of time, you scurry over to the dining room where the two large, iron and dark oak doors are wide open, and silently step in. There, you already see two men sitting at the table. HIM, and a man you have never seen before, who has dark, natural red hair, wears fancy atire, and has the face of a gentleman. You feel sudden pain inside, knowing that this kind looking man will have to die too for this to work.

     "Ah, our drinks have finally arrived. What took you so long, girl?" The king, your target, Notch, speaks directly to you. Your knees buckle as you try not to stutter.

     "S- s- s- sorry, s- sir.." You apologize, hoping your voice doesn't crack. This guy, right here, is THE Notch. The one who has taken down countless foes with just a snap of his fingers. The only real ones he can't kill so easily, are other Immortals...

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