Pine tree

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Your POV

Where am I?! I screamed internally, searching for my brother in a maze of clouds and stars. Tripping over air and I fell into the sky. Casually I activate my power watch. Nothing. Hm...must be slow. I tapped gently on the black screen. Ok...lets try again. I tried activating my watch carefully...Still nothing.

Now, in a real problem the victim must stay calm.
But sadly I can't so I start panicking and try to fly and by fly I mean flapping my arms like a deranged chicken.
Looking down (why would you look down?), I saw pine trees that suddenly look like pointy spears.
Can I have your room when you die?
Sooo...we're just gonna let it gather dust?
"Well Of cor-Hold on"
Hold on to what? Clouds?
"What? No! I mean who even are you?!"
...*le gasp
"Are you my conscious?"
Give the girl a prize. You're right. Now back to your room...can I have your manga collection?

But before I could protest, I was knocked out by a branch.
I stirred awake, my hair Looking perfect and my face magically healed...Ha! Lol.
No, I woke up like any real person. Stuck on a tree and not even Looking half human.

"Hey, Boboiboy are you tree tomorrow?" I asked no one in particular.
"Yeah, why?" Imitating Boboiboy in my self convo.
"Just meet me at Fir treety." And with that I bursted laughing at my own pathetic joke.
Why am I so lonely...

Suddenly, I hear a voice. It was familiar. I try look down (again?) but find myself falling through the branches. Mumbling about how much fate hates me, I was ready for my second death.

Boboiboy POV

Finding myself falling, I transformed to cyclone to land safely and began searching for Aieshah. I heard a 'huh?' and branches being landed upon. Suddenly, I see my possible wife falling, through a tree. Panicking, I stretched my arms out to catch her. She falls straight past me and onto the ground.
"Haha...Hi,Aieshah. Didn't see you there." A chill went down my spine as she glared at me.

"Saya minta maaf?"
"Don't you Maaf me! Have ya forgotten you can fly?! Ha! Bodoh!" I jolted with fear, as she nagged at me. Yet strangely, not attacking.
I watched as she struggled to get up. It reminded me of an upside down turtle. Giving up, she stretched up her arms for help.
She can't move...I'm safe. I breathe a sigh of relief as I carry Aieshah bridal style

Suddenly an arrow whizzed past us. I saw a tuff of blonde hair in a bush. A emo boy jumped out from the bush, his stance ready to fight. He had messy black hair, an avaitor jacket over an orange t-shirt and jeans. He had olive skin and black eyes. And then it came...The squeal.
Nope. Not again.
Yeeting myself to the same bush among all the other bushes, I come face to face to the archer.

Will's POV
All I wanted was a normal date. Nico and I were just strolling in the woods, when we heard a screech, followed by a scream. We ran to the source thinking it was a monster and attacked instantly.
But instead, a boy dressed like an advertisement for blue coke jumped into my bush and my boyfriend is being smuggled by...what are those things Percy said to be careful of...right! Fangirls.

Nico's POV

I stepped back slightly, as the girl's right eye began to twitch. Firming my grip on my sword, I stood my ground. But the girl become a blur the moment I readied myself. I turn around, trying to predict her attack. Suddenly the girl attacked me from behind, clinging to me like those grey teddy bears in Australia. "My dreams are coming true! May I hug you?" The girl looked into my eyes, serious. I looked at her in confused disgust. Suddenly she tackled my leg, clinging to it.
"Will...there's something on my leg." I tried shaking it off but I couldn't even lift her up. What does this girl eat?

Suddenly, she fell, planting her face to the ground. An arrow pierced through her arm and in the bush stood Solace, his bow in his hand and an angry blue dinosaur guy. Solace struck another arrow into the guy's arm and he too planted his face to the ground. Soon enough we'll have face trees or is it face plants? Is that why they call it face palms? Will they become palm trees? Maybe that's how Dryads exists...

"What in Zeus's name did you do to them?" I asked
"Arrow with overdosed mixture of laughing gas and anithestetic." Solace replied, blunt. "No one loves Nico more than one." He muttered, carring the somehow now orange guy back to camp. Yandere? That means I need to bring the girl.
Weirdest date ever.

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