Obstacle course EXTREME

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Boboiboy POV
In a beam of light, I appeared in a dark hallway with a door at the very end. Aieshah appeared next to me, with a speaker, instant ramen and a megaphone.
"Chu need chu gech chu da choor." She commanded, mouthful of chips.
Strangely enough, I understood. Suddenly lights turned on to reveal an obstacle course made to kill. The door stretched further and further away. The course had hurdles and tires with axes and trunks swinging above every few seconds. My hand moved to my watch but the watch was gone.
"No powers. Until door 2." She said, stuffing the watch into a sandwich bag. "Now move!"

Your POV
Watching Boboiboy train would be boring, so I brought along the essentials. Snacks, headphones and Mystic Messenger.
Opening the app and my headphones blasting the music,the world seemed to disappear.

"I DoN'T WANNA DIE!!" I cried, running away from crocodiles. My eyesight was blurry with tears, so I didn't see the log coming straight at me.
My body slammed against the wall, as I fell down.
"I-I think I broke my arm...Aieshah...help me..." I stretched my hand out for help. Then my vision cleared for a minute to see her playing on her phone.
I wanted to accept the defeat but then the crocodiles breathed fire.
Desperate to escape but having no hope to outrun them, I rolling away. I rolled away in the mud, sand and swamp.

Your POV

My chat with Jaehee ended. I watched with anxiousness as the screen faded to a scene. A smile grew on my face as Jaehee smiled at me.
"I got a good freaking ending! Yyeaah!" I flexed my none existence muscles, deepening my voice.
I took a glimpse of Boboiboy's confused face which hilariously had mud and sticks. Schist!
A ding went off my phone. Oop! More Mystic Messenger! And pressing a red button, BB fell to the next course.

Back to Boboiboy's POV
It has been almost an hour and the door was still far away. Glancing to my side,I saw Aieshah furiously yet awkwardly dancing.
I smiled lovingly at her. So cute...my little dork.

Another hour, getting closer. She was now eating a tub of ice cream while throwing stuffed toys every few minutes, in anger or sadness. Wait...why is her forehead bleeding?!
Suddenly, a hole opened beneath me, dropping me to another course yet this time it was a mountainous terrain. I sobbed silently in pain when my watch fell on my head. It only had Tanah.
The same thing happened over and over again, each course designed specifically for each element then another set of course designed for the teamwork of elements.

2 hours later...

"P-please no more." I cried, forgetting how to breathe every two seconds. Aieshah held a dark brown drink and gave it to me. The first sip it was bitter, yet I strangely wanted more. Aieshah has her phone facing me as I drained the cup of its liquid. Suddenly , I turned to Blaze, feeling super hyper like super hyped. Like eating a whole bag of lollies hyper. HyPer!

I burst through the next door,the course was another graveyard for me

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I burst through the next door,the course was another graveyard for me. But who gives a dam?!

Finishing the course, I turned back to myself and rushed to Aieshah, kissing her on her cheek. "Sha~Can I have more of the drink? What is it anyways??" I asked, hugging her leg.
Hiding her face, she muttered. "Kopi Lawak."
Wait...that coffee that from...I ate...

Your POV
Waiting for Blaze to finish, a message popped up on my phone. Just as I was about to get my phone, Blaze crashed into me giving me a kiss on the cheek. My face burned as red as his jacket. Hiding my face, he asked what I gave him. I cracked up when I told him.

Looking at my phone, a message from the girl appeared. It was about the new Boboiboy movie. Turned out, he can fuse elements now but since Boboiboy was with me, it altered the plot line. I could easily drag him back into his universe for a day. I mean I did it once, right. But for some reason, it costed something. The girl told me to be careful, something about risking my time.
I need to defeat Wolf, otherwise the world ends. Pulling my hair, I finally made up my mind.
I forced him to eat a fixer upper, a pill that makes the person transform to their current stage in their plot line. A few minutes past as the fusions appeared. Glacier and Supra was first. Then finally Frostfire. As API and Ice fused, Boboiboy transformed to have red and blue eyes and a really cool outfit.
"Hey, Sha. You okay?"
"N-Nope! Turn back! Turn back!" I took of his watch, trying hard not to look at him. Too hot. Too hot.

Girl's POV
I was writing her fate, when something came up on my phone. "Shoot, it's going down. Gotta find a replacement. Where are you? Where are you?" I muttered, going through my draws. I looked back at the screen. It stopped. Thank gods. There's still 3/4 left. She can still exist.

Back to your POV
As the sun rose to a new day, the rift opened once again. Boboiboy came out looking more mature and a change of outfit. The fusions had happened. All I need now is to wait...again. Imma go shopping. And I went. I'm bored, don't look at me like that.


Lily's POV
"Okay, nitwits!" We shouted. "Boys go with me!" Peter said. "While girls go with me!" I continued.

Once we were separated, I took Mummy's megaphone. "30 LAPS AROUND AND UP THE HILL! IF YOU AREN'T ENOUGH, MA BABIES WILL KILL YOU!" Straight away, they began running. Yay! Fun!

"NOW JUMP ON THE TRAMPOLINE FOR ANOTHER 3 HOURS!" I roared, but a small girl was on the ground, barely breathing. Carrying her, I turned back to a full tiger, allowing the girl to sleep in my fur as I growled low at those who stopped. Mummy taught us to be strict but kind to others. And this girl who was not even allowed to train with is seemed to have sneaked in and was determined to be stronger. So I lay there watching my cubs maul at people who weren't fast enough. Oh would you look at me that, Jasmine has a favourite. Aww~

Jasmine POV
Run! A girl with black hair and dark green eyes was just walking. Does mummy allow? I turned to mother and saw her nod. Yay! Scratch-post! I leapt onto the girl, claws stuck in her arms and legs. I opened my mouth, pretending to bite her head off.

Peter POV
"WE NEED TO DO THIS! SHUT THE HADES UP, AND WALK!" I yelled through another one of Mummy's megaphones. I had assigned my team to walk through a river of strong currents.

"PUSH THESE BOULDERS AROUND THE  HILL TWICE!" I saw Lily carry a small girl as she trained her team and smiled.

As the second day of training ended, we had built up their stamina, speed and strength. Enough for one demigod to withstand at least 1/15 of the army to come.

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