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I will tell you when to play the video.

Your POV

After the awkward two days, I finally plucked up the courage to apologise properly. Taking a deep breathe and puffing up my cheeks for intimidation, I march to the lounge room where Boboiboy was watching Ponyo with Drew.

"Boboiboy, I apologise for the incident." I bowed down, standing. Suddenly, I heard laughter.
Looking up, I saw Drew laughing her Weaboo head off.
"Oh my god, you still remember that. I did it!" She confessed between giggles. She looked at me frowning at her and bursted once again in laughter.
"This is my angry face! Be scared!" I turned to Boboiboy, who also suddenly burst into hysterical laughter.

"Bwahaha! You look like a pug! Pug face!" Drew shouted.
"Pug face!" Boboiboy repeated.
The relishing sound of the bamboo stick echoed across the room. Taking out the stick while my two friends laughed, I whacked them across the head.
Straight after, red pulsing bumps grew on their head where I hit. Tears of pain brimmed their eyes.
"I don't have a pug face." And with that I left for ice cream, preferably cookies and cream.

Time jump~

Boboiboy POV
We were having a get together. The seven, Nico, Will and Drew sat at the table and sofa, waiting for the food. The smell of soup filled the air. Aieshah came in, hauling a pot of soup.
"I made soup!" She yelled, dropping the pot on the table.

Slurps later~

We groaned in unison in bored. Aieshah and Drew were flicking through the internet when suddenly they jolted straight and ran to the kitchen. Moments later, the music to "It's the final countdown" played and Aieshah and Drew walked in, their hands behind their back, their face painted for war and wearing only white. Slowly, they grinned wider as they revealed what they had.
Tomato sauce and Soy sauce.

Before I knew it, I was hiding behind a tree suddenly wearing white and stained with black and red.
"B, do you read me?" Annabeth's voice blared through the walkie talkie.
"I-I read you."
"Base is under attack! We need back up they..." Before she could finish, static broke in.
"Elemental Split!" Splitting, we ran back to base.

There, Aieshah's team had invaded. Percy had sent a wave of soy sauce to my team, drowning them in black sticky sauce.
Taking a shaky breath, we attacked.
Guns at ready, we took out Leo, Nico, Piper and Drew. Only Aieshah, Percy and Hazel remained. Ais charged towards Hazel, freezing the ground below him and eventually freezing her. Gempa rose a barrier around Percy, flooding it with tomato sauce and finally only she remained.
"Turn back. Make it a one on one." Aieshah challenged me, readying her soy gun. Accepting it, I transformed to normal, narrowing my eyes.
We ran to each other with a battle cry.

Aieshah POV
Charging to Boboiboy, I attempted a judo flip but he slid under me, grabbing my ankle and tripping me. Before I could fall, I held his collar pulling him back and pushing me on my feet.
I ran for shelter after hearing the thud. Hiding in the trees, I breathed exhaustingly. Suddenly, a green figure dropped from the branches above, pushing me against the trunk. Light shining through the leaves revealed a smiling victorious face. Pulling the trigger, a blast of red sauce splattered my white shirt. They won.
"Yay! We win! Yay!" Thorn jumped for joy, hugging and spinning me around.
"Haha, yep! You win." I chuckled, my face slightly red from the sudden contact.
"Hmm? Ah!" Thorn dropped me, his face as red as the sauce stain on my shirt. "S-sorry!" He apologised, hiding his face.
My heart melted at this. So cute...

Another month later
Your POV
Start the video

I was watching the anime channel when a new show flickered on. The screen showed happy moment with me and Boboiboy. A voiceover sang. It was his voice.
The video showed the time I met him, falling from the sky and being absolutely crazy. The time I snuck into Tapops and became a member. Our time here in the Percy Jackson dimension. The battle's end. Becoming his girlfriend. The hilarious times we had in this little apartment of ours. All of it.

Tears brimmed my eyes as it continued and finally, a more clear voice sang from behind me and around me.
"I'd rather be me with you~" My boyfriend, wearing an orange coloured suit, bent down on one knee, a ring in his palm.
"I know it's a bit early but will you marry me?" He asked, looking silly with his hair slicked back.
"It's okay. The Author just doesn't have anymore ideas. So yes I will marry you."

Boboiboy looked confused.
"Author?" He looked around.
"It's nothing. Come on, we need rest." I dragged him to his room and went to my own.

The next day
I was a bit early. Already in my wedding dress, a simple Greek white dress with a shawl, the belt was a golden laurel, I sat in my room and eventually fell asleep exhausted from last night. Watching anime. I was watching anime.

Suddenly, I woke up in a room that I've never seen. My dress was replaced with Pyjamas.
"W-Where am I?"

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