''1) Jungkook: opulence''

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Do you dream of owning a mansion in Beverly Hills with a Maserati in the driveway and regular shopping trips on Rodeo Drive? Then you might be pining for a life of opulence . Keep on grinding!

 Keep on grinding!

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Park Jimin despised tea cups. 

He really hated them. The shiny porcelain, the golden handles, the tiny pink roses that were decorating them were a repulsive spectacle for the twenty four year old. This set of pannikins was only used when a very rich guest was about to visit them and Jimin detested that. Social skills were never his thing, however he always tried his best when it came to communication with the guests his family was inviting to the Park abode.

This Friday was no exception. After three months of complete and utter silence, his mother had the audacity to wake him up from slumber, only to announce him the unexpected news that quite frankly Jimin didn't like to hear.

''Your sister is getting married! Wake up'' Mrs. Park yelled and opened the curtains widely. A loud groan escaped Jimin's plump lips when the sunrays began to play hide and seek between his raven locks. The light was a bothersome sight for Jimin at that moment. Blinking his eyelashes, he saw the clock and fell back on the comfy bed.

''Are you fucking kidding me?'' he growled with his morning voice and placed his pillow above his head.

''Language, you brat!'' his mother shouted and brought the warm mattress away from his body.

''Isn't this her third marriage already ?'' Jimin asked with annoyance and stood up from the bed, trying to find his slippers, the frozen marble that he was stepping on, making his feet cold.

''This is going to last, I can feel it. She is going to marry a very noble man, with extreme knowledge and education, quite handsome too''.

''Did she give you any photos of him or are you making this shit up?'' Jimin inquired and his mother rolled her eyes.

''Get dressed. They will be here at ten o' clock tonight. Wear something...presentable, not this tight fitting jeans with holes....'' she began to mumble and Jimin gently pushed her out of his room.

And now here he is, spending his Friday night inside his mansion, patiently waiting for his sister and her new victim. Cause no other word was suitable in his mind aside from this word. She had two divorces and she is only twenty two. This happens when you are a stubborn bitch. Her first husband was clever enough to abandon her after six months of matrimony since she turned his life upside- down. 

The second wasn't so wise. Even if they were both rich and cold as ice, they had no chemistry whatsoever. Nevertheless, their marriage lasted a whole year, until Chae decided to get a divorce because she didn't want to continue living with  a man below her level.

The sound of the bell echoed through the lavish house and Tina, their maid, ran to open the large gate of the building.

''Hello Mr. Jung. Come in, Jimin is waiting for you'' she said with a smile and welcomed the gorgeous man inside. Despite his cocky attitude, Jimin liked Tina. When Hoseok wasn't around, her and the gardener were his only hope for some normal conversation that didn't require the words business, money and marketing.

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