''9) Jungkook: tranquility''

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Hopefully, you'll achieve a state of tranquility on your next beach vacation. This is just another word for being free from agitation of mind or spirit.

Jimin wanted to punch him in the face

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Jimin wanted to punch him in the face.


Τhe man didn't even have the guts to apologize  after leaving  him all alone in the hotel room. Apart from that he had the audacity to bring a guest to the house? He has been staying there for three days and he believes that he owns the place? 

Jungkook wanted to kick Jimin's ass.


He was standing at the bottom of the staircase, looking like a freaking king, smirking with a playful grin, not even caring for the fact that he was left alone some hours before. He looked so unbothered, as if he didn't care whether Jungkook drove him home or not.

However, Taehyung was stunned. He was gulping continuously, his eyes never leaving the form of the beautiful man that was standing in front of him. Taehyung, you see,  was one of these people. The ones that the moment they see someone attractive, they think they want  to spend their entire lives with them.

Hoseok on the other hand was nothing like that. He wanted to build his relationships with loyalty and experience, get to know his partner's value, his interests and his dislikes. He was easily impressed with handsome appearances. All his previous relationships started like that. Despite the lust and the sexual pleasure, Hoseok always chose the men with the kind hearts, the calm spirit, the honest ones.

''Are you going to sit there or come inside? I would have chosen the first option  if I were you'' Jimin spoke catching both Taehyung and Jungkook by surprise.

''He is a brat, not more than you, but still a brat'' Taehyung whispered in the younger's ear. Jungkook tried to regain his composure and gently pushed Taehyung inside the residence.

''Who the hell is this man?'' Hoseok inquired. Jungkook and Taehyung moved to the living room, Chae quickly following behind  them.

''I have no idea. But they seem pretty close, so I am guessing a best friend,a cousin maybe...The thing that I certainly know is that if Chae is sitting with us, we won't be able to ask him a single question. She is always such a tale-bearer'' Jimin whined and shoved Hoseok in the living room.

 She is always such a tale-bearer'' Jimin whined and shoved Hoseok in the living room

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