''38) The two brats: panacea''

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Shall  I really explain what Panacea means? I mean, shall I????? Fine. A remedy for all ills and difficulties. A cure for broken souls. An answer or solution for all  the potential problems. Be your own panaceas, don't hide your unusual magic. And sooner or later, the real panacea will come in the form of chaste love.

 And sooner or later, the real panacea will come in the form of chaste love

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A month later


''Did you finally read the whole thing? Seriously it took you ages  my lovely'' Jungkook commented and handed him over a cup of tea.

''Kook, you know I hate tea cups'' he sighed.

''And I hate brats but I am marrying one next month so shut up pleeease'' he scolded him.

''The ending is quite impressive though'' Jimin pointed out. ''Do you want me to read it to you?''.

''Ιs it extensive? Cause I need to go to woooork in an hour'' Jungkook sat next to his boyfriend. Jimin rolled his eyes- something that he did very frequently since  he met the younger- but continued reading nonetheless.

''If you want to describe happiness, don't choose words...''.

''This will be cheesy, I can feeeel it'' the younger man  interrupted.

''Show actions. That's what panacea means. That despite the circumstances or the time, you met that  particular someone for a reason. Cause beauty starts the moment we accept ourselves for the way we are. And that's when you will appreciate the other in its true form. No lies or frame ups. Just two pure souls driven by the guidance of the moon and the stars. Remedies don't have to be pills and medicine. They can be memories, love, a pair of lips kissing you for being your true, dazzling self. And instantly you are magically  healed. If you look someone in the eyes, make sure to decode the colours. That's where the soul lingers and it thirsts for panacea''.

Jungkook just sat there, his lips having formed a pout. His eyes were opened widely and all he could think about was how much he loved the man in front of him. How was he supposed to react to that statement?

''I was expecting a more verbal reaction to be honest but whatever floats your boat Kook''.

''I love you. Cause you were the only one who embraced my soul when most just stayed on the surfaaaace'' he shoved the older in his embrace catching him off guard.

''Why are you so cute?'' Jimin gently caressed his back.

''I had sex with you on a kitchen counter, I am not cute''.

''There he goes''.

''You b-bring out the inner hoe I was always hiding. I was never like this'' Jungkook arched an eyebrow.

''Don't forget to come home early. Hoseok and Taehyung are waiting for us in their place''.

''Right, right...The reunion. What are you going to wear?'' the younger questioned.

PANACEA (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now