"The happiest reason for feeling crap" Steve Rogers x Stark daughter. pt 1

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day 7 of 24

Y/n is Tony Starks daughter. She met Steve through him and soon became more then friends. What happens when she realizes that their life is about to change.

Y/n sat at the counter as she ate her cereal. She scrolled trough her phone as she waited for her father and boyfriend to come back. She smiled as she heard the door open.

"Sweetheart we're home." Steve called.
"I dont think ill ever get used to him calling her that." She heard her father say causing her to laugh.

She stopped smiling as she felt nauseous. She rushed past Steve as he entered the kitchen.

"Babe?" He asked, following her into the bathroom.
He saw y/n hunched over the toilet, dry heaving.
"Baby? You okay?" He asked as he rubbed her back soothingly.
"Yeah. I think I ate something that didn't agree with me." Y/n replied, leaning against the bath.
"Maybe you should rest" Steve suggested.
"Yeah maybe." Y/n agreed getting up only to collapse again.
"Woah. Okay, I've got you." He replied, picking her up bridal style.

Steve left the bathroom and headed to y/ns room. As he went into the room Tony came around the corner.

"What are you doing with my daighter rogers?" He asked rushing forward.
"She's sick so I'm bringing her to bed."
"Jarvis check her over."He ordered as Steve lay  y/n on the bed.

Y/n closed her eyes as she waited for Jarvis to finish. Steve stood beside her with Tony, both of their arms crossed. A few moments later the scanning was finished.

"Scanning complete." Jarvis replied.
"Well?" Steve asked.
"Y/n is nauseous recently correct?" 
"She has also been putting on weight."
"Jarvis." Tony exclaimed.
"It is because y/n is pregnant."

They were silent as they progressed the news.

"Pregnant?" Y/n asked in shock.
"Yes. I believe around 2 months." Jarvis replied.
Y/n looked at Steve with tears in her eyes. Steve just looked down in shock.
"You slept with my daughter." Tony exclaimed turning to Steve.
"Dad, stop." Y/n stated, sitting up.
"Your the age of my father Rogers and you slept with my 24 year old daughter. It's bad enough that your dating her but sleeping with her. There is a reason why you couldn't sleep in the same room."
"Dad. Seriously stop. This is no different from you and mom."
"Well we were near the same age............"
"BUt it wasn't planned. It doesn't matter what i done to your daughter, all that matters is that we have a baby to look after soon. I love y/n Tony and I would never leave her. Especially not now." Steve replied, taking y/ns hand.

Tony looked at them in shock. Y/n smiled at him before looking at Steve with love in her eyes. Steve smiled at her before turning to Tony with a straight face. Tony sighed before kissing his daughter on the forehead and leaving. When he was gone y/n took hold of Steves hands and held them.

"So your pregnant?" Steve asked with a smile.
"I guess I am." She replied, a smile on her face.
" I can't believe it." 
"Neither can I. I thought it wasn't possible."
"We both did. But, I'm happy we thought wrong."
"So am I." Y/n smiled, pecking his lips.
"Wait here." Steve said and left the room.

Y/n watched him leave with confusion in her eyes. She sat down on the bed and waited for him to come back. A few minutes later he did reply and took hold of her hands again, pulling her up on her feet.

"Where did you go?" She smiled.
"I had to get something." He smiled shyly.
"And what would that be?" She teased.
"I shall show you in a minute." He replied in a mocking tone.
"Are you mocking me captain?" She asked in mock hurt.
"I would never," He smiled causing them both to laugh. "Come with me for a minute."
"Always." She replied as he dropped one of her hands and lead her out the door.

He brought her through the living room where everyone was sitting. Sam smiled at them and gave the okay signal to Steve who nodded at him as they walked by. Y/n looked at him in confusion but Steve said noting. They eventually got to the roof top and y/n looked around in confusion as they stopped. As she went to ask what was going on she gasped as Steve turned to her and placed his finger on her lips.

"Don't speak." He ordered gently causing her to nod.
He took a deep breath before speaking.

"Y/n, the moment I saw you for the very first time will be stuck in my memory till the end of the days because it was the evening when the course of my life radically changed its direction. I remember when Tony brought us all to the tower and there you sat, on the couch in the living room, your eyes shining brightly as he introduced you to us.I keep in the sanctuary of my heart every minute we shared because from the first moment I was totally overwhelmed by you. I do not know how it had been possible to live without your support and cheerfulness, without listening to you singing and watching you dancing when you think nobody sees. I love dreaming with you because you understand me as nobody would ever understand. I love being there for you when your  ill.You encourage me to get up every morning, to save peoples, and to constantly become better. You are my inspiration, my motivation, and my desirous goal. You know like nobody what is a happiness and where it is hidden. We both want to have a colorful and memorable life, and together we can make our dreams come true. You are the perfect person to be my best friend, me companion, the mother of our future child or children" he placed a hand on her stomach, " and of course, my wife. I promise to do everything I only can to be a perfect match for you and to become a husband you deserve. I want to become your happily-ever-after, and I will do my best for your incredible smile to never fade. You are the greatest and the most precious gift given to me by this life, so I wish the whole world knew about my infinite and limitless love for you.I am looking forward to the day when my last name will become ours, and our love will give a birth to a new family. You are the one I want to be for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. My voice is trembling, and my heart beats at a furious pace since I hope you will say me yes and make me the luckiest man on Earth. My heart, will you marry me?" He finished, pulling a box and opening it to reveal a ring.
Y/n looked at him with tears in her eyes.
"Yes, yes. A million times yes. Of course I'll marry you." She cried and he placed the ring on her finger before she jumped on him.
"I love you."
"I love you too." He replied, kissing her softly.

"Should we go down and tell the others." SHe asked after a while of laying down, looking at the stars.
"Yes I think we should." He smiled and helped her up before taking her hand as they walked back down the stairs.

"There's the love birds." Sam teased as they walked in.
"Where have you guys been?" Natasha asked.
"I'll tell you one thing, they weren't doing noting, if you know what I mean?" Sam responded causing Clint to laugh at him.
"We have some news." Steve announced.
"Well, do tell." Natasha said.
"First of all, I'm pregnant." Y/n said, placing a hand on her stomach.
"Ahh poor Tony." Sam teased.
"I'm actually okay with it, now." TOny defended himself.
"ANd what's the other news."
Y/n looked up at Steve.
"I asked Y/n to marry me." He smiled causing everyone to cheer.
"Just to clarify, she did say yes didn't she?" Clint asked.
"Yes, Clint, I did." Y/n laughed.
"Was just making sure." He said with his hands up as Natasha walked up to them.
"Show me." She stated, taking y/ns hand, "Oh it's gorgeous."
"I know." Y/n admired.
"It was my mothers ring. She told me to give it to the one I love. I'm surprised I still have it after all these years. I wanted her to be somewhat a part of it all."
"I promise to take good care of it." Y/n replied, admiring the ring.
"I know you will." Steve said and kissed her.
"Alright you two, get a room."
"I think he's done enough damage to my daughter don't you think Barton." Tony replied causing eyeryone to laugh.

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