"You can let go now" Tony stark x daughter

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day 16 of 24

During Tonys funeral y/n begins to remember the times they had together.

Song: You can let go now 

Y/n was looked ahead as she and Pepper walked to the water with Morgan, her half sister, between them. They crouched down and gently placed the wreath into the water. They watched it float away as they stood up and y/n turned to Doctor Strange, her husband, and buried her head into his chest as she remembered the times with her father.

Wind blowin' on my face
Sidewalk flyin' beneath my bike
A five year-old's first taste
Of what freedom's really like
He was runnin' right beside me
His hand holdin' on the seat
I took a deep breath and hollered
As I headed for the street

A five year old y/n squealed happily as she cycled her bike. Her father ran beside her, his hands on the seat and handle bars. Y/n smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"Let go daddy." She cried happily.
"No sweetheart I don't think your ready."
"Please daddy. I want to try." She begged.
Tony sighed and nodded.
"Okay sweetheart. You can try."

He slowly let go and y/n giggled happily as she cycled further away from her father. Tony smiled as he watched his daughter cycle on her own. He cheered for her as he ran to catch up with her. As he neared her she toppled sideways causing him to run faster.

"Y/n, sweetheart, you okay?" He asked, concerned as he crouched beside her.
"I did it daddy. I did it on my own."
"Yes you did baby, and I am so proud of you." He replied, kissing her head.
"I'm tired." She whined.
"Oh well we can't have that now can we. Come on, lets go home." He replied, picking her up before getting her bike.
"I love you daddy." She sighed, resting her head on her shoulder.
"I love you too baby." Tony replied as she closed her eyes.

You can let go now, Daddy
You can let go
Oh, I think I'm ready
To do this on my own
It's still a little bit scary
But I want you to know
I'll be ok now, Daddy
You can let go


Tony heard a scream followed by a crash and shot up from the couch, running towards the sound. He opened the door of his 15 year old daughters room to see her looking at her hands before looking at the shelf which was now destroyed.

"Y/n, darling. What happened?"
"Don't come near me. Please stay were you are." She begged.
"Sweetheart, what's going on?"
"No stay. I don't want to hurt you."
"YOu could never hurt me darling, whats happened."
"I said stay back." She cried before a force of energy shot out towards him, sending him back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She cried, falling to the ground and pulling her knees to her chest as she rocked back and forward.
TOny got up and shook his head.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay. I'm okay. I can help you."
"Well, Bruce can see whats going on and then I can help you with them alright."
"Can I come to you." He asked, stepping towards her.
"I'll hurt you again."
"Darling. YOu can hurt me a million times but I will always still help you. I don't care what you do alright." He stated, sitting beside her and pulling her into a hug.
"I love you daddy." She cried.
"I love you too." He stated, kissing her head.

I was standin' at the altar
Between the two loves of my life
To one I've been a daughter
To one I soon would be a wife
When the preacher asked,
'Who gives this woman?'
Daddy's eyes filled up with tears
He kept holdin' tightly to my arm
'Till I whispered in his ear

Tony held y/ns hand tightly as they waited for the music to start. His 25 year old daughter looked up at him and smiled reassuringly at him through her veil.

"YOu okay dad?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm just not ready to let you go." He answered.
"I'll never be too far away dad. I'm always going to be close by."
"Yeah your right." HE answered as the music began to be heard.
"Promise me one thing." She asked.
"Please don't let me fall." SHe smiled.
"Never" He replied as the doors opened.

They began to wal up the aisle slowly. Tony looked ahead to see Stephan waiting at the end of the aisle. He looked towards y/n to see her smiling happily at her soon to be husband. As they got to the end they stopped and y/n turned to her father.

"Thank you for everything dad." She smiled.
"Thank you for being the most amazing daughter any man could dream of having." He stated as he fixed her veil.
"I love you daddy." SHe stated, pulling him into a hug."
"I love you too darling." He replied before shaking Stephans hand and standing beside his daughter, ready to give her away.

You can let go now, Daddy
You can let go
Oh, I think I'm ready
To do this on my own
It still feels a little bit scary
But I want you to know
I'll be ok now, Daddy
You can let go

"Dad." Y/n called as she and Stephan walked into stark industries.
"In the kitchen." She heard her father call.
"It'll be okay." Stephan said when she looked at him before they entered the kitchen.

Tony looked up at his 30 year old daughter. He stood up and pulled her into a hug and she sighed happily before pulling away, leaving her father and Stephan to greet each other.

"It's nice to see you." Tony smiled at his only daughter.
Yeah you too. We have something we need to tell you." She stated, sitting at the table.
"Oh, everything okay?" Tony asked, sitting opposite them.
"Yeah everythings fine it's just." Y/n looked at Stephan who noded at her reassuringly.
"What is it?"
"I'm pregnant dad." She stated, waiting for a reaction.
Tony froze, looking at them in shock.
"Dad." Y/n asked, getting no response, "Dad? Daddy? Dad say something." She replied.
"Can I get you some water?" Stephan asked, going to stand up.
"No, no I'm good. YOur uh, your pregnant?" He asked.
"Yes, are you mad."
"Mad, how could I be mad. My daughter is expecting my first grandchild. I'm happy. Come here to me." He stated, standing up.

Y/n laughed and stood up, hugging her father tightly. Tony stepped back and shook Stephans hand before pulling his daughter into another hug.

"I love you daddy." She stated.
"I love you too sweetheart." he replied, kissing her head.

It was killin' me to see
The strongest man I ever knew
Wastin' away to nothin'
In that hospital room
'You know he's only hangin' on for you'
That's what the night nurse said
My voice and heart were breakin'
As I crawled up in his bed, and said

Y/n screamed in horror as she watched her father click his fingers with the infinity gauntlet on his hand. SHe rushed towards him and skidded on her knees, ignoring the pain in them. She began crying as Pepper spoke to him before moving away slightly.

"Daddy." She cried, moving closer to him.
"Hey babygirl, don't cry." He breathed heavily.
"Your going to be okay. Please, don't give up on me. Please stay with me."
"No, it's too late sweetheart. Please, just promise me you will move on. Enjoy life with your little family." He replied, placing a hand on her barely their bump.
"I promise. And it's a he." She cried, placing her hands over his.
"Name him after me," He joked causing her to laugh before looking at Doctor Strange as he came up behind y/n, "Look after her doctor. She needs you now." He warned.
"I will TOny." Strange responded, placing a hand on his wifes shoulder.
TOny looked back at his daughter and gasped in pain. Y/n nodded her head in defeat and took both of his hands in hers.
"You can let go daddy. It's okay." SHe cried as he looked at her as a tear slid down his cheek. "I love you daddy." She stated.
"I love you too my sweet babygirl." He weakly said before withdrawing his final breath.

You can let go now, Daddy
You can let go
Your little girl is ready
To do this on my own
It's gonna be a little bit scary
But I want you to know
I'll be ok now, Daddy
You can let go
You can let go

"I love you daddy." Y/n whispered in Stephans arms, watching the holographic Tony infront of them.
" And I love you too my beautiful angel." He said, looking at her before he had turned it off.

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