Chapter 8 - My Little Cube

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^ Crimson in Brawlhalla style, drawn by the wonderful ThreeWulfSalt in an art trade with me! <3

Some parts are heavily inspired by the-modern-typewriter on Tumblr! Please check them out!

UPDATE on fuckin... 3 years later, 10 Jan 2023: This dumpster fire of a chapter had been rewritten and improved by my best friend (who chose to remain anonymous). Thank you for putting up with my bullshit like no I'm serious you're a lifesaver. I would've hated this chapter forever if it weren't for you.

You chose "Push."


There was no time. That propeller was about to slice Luna's throat open like how she always did with the wolves. That Cyan was right - her death would be painfully ironic.

Time seemed to slow down for a moment. As Kinn stood there deciding what to do, something deep within her stirred at the sight of Luna's face, with her eyes closed, ready to accept her fate. But also at the sight of the now-Corrupted Cyan.

Ever since they first met, she had always found a special interest in Cyan. Maybe it was the way he talked, quiet and a little awkward, or his dry sense of humour, or how he laughed that exploding, roaring laughter.

Or maybe it was just him as a whole.
She had always liked it when he smiled. When he was having fun with his friends. The genuine look of happiness in his blue eyes whenever he talked to her. They've become so close without themselves realising it. They never admitted it, but they liked each other.

But now when she looked into those merciless pink eyes, she knew she had to accept the painful fact that the Cyan she'd loved all this time was gone.

And now Luna might disappear as well.
She was blinded with tears, fear, sadness, and desperation. Without thinking any further, Kinn let out what sounded like a cry of despair and rushed towards the pink figure. She felt a strange, powerful surge of energy in her right arm. The last thing she saw was Cyan's surprised face looking up at her before she tackled him to the ground.

They rolled across the stone floor and ended up with Kinn pinning him down, panting, eyes seething with an intense mixture of fear, desperation, and even rage. But not at Cyan. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get angry with him. It wasn't his fault that he got Corrupted. Instead, she was furious with the one responsible for Corrupting him. Who did it? It must've been Fresh. Her eyes were blurry with the tears streaming down her face, and the only thing she could see was a pair of pink eyes staring wide into her own and something glowing.

The two were locked in that trance for about three seconds before Verdan suddenly entered the cave. "I heard screaming, what's going-"

All heads whipped around to face him. Verdan froze in the mouth of the cave, eyes wide with confusion - and shock when he laid his eyes on the Corrupted Cyan, who was glaring daggers at him.

"Who the - wh-what in the - how-?" Verdan stammered, but Kinn cut him off.

"Get Luna and run!" she snarled urgently, making sure Cyan was still pinned firmly down. The usual gentleness in her voice was gone, and it was now replaced with the urgency that could be heard in Luna's voice. "She's badly injured! Make sure to heal her and get everyone out of here - fast!"

Verdan trusted her, and seeing the monster she was holding down, he knew he had no choice. Surprisingly, Cyan didn't try to struggle while Verdan carefully picked a half-conscious Luna up, princess-style, and by the time Verdan had completely disappeared again, he was as still as a stone. He simply bore his eyes into Kinn's, appearing almost bored while she was suspicious and a little confused.

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