Chapter 2 - Rock Wall

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Warning. My humor is as stale as a very dried up potato chip. :')


You chose "Yes."


Yeah, y'know what? I think it's best if I just go back and get it. Just in case I need it.

"I'll need to go back and get it," I announced, standing up.

"What?" Kinn exclaimed. "But that's gonna be a long walk back."

This time Luna stood up. "I'll just fly him over," she shrugged. "Those skinny legs of his won't be able to run him back here within half an hour."

"Hey!" I mean, alright, my legs are skinny—hell, my entire stature is skinny, but she didn't need to point it out like that. Kinn just giggled, which made me blush.

Have I ever mentioned that I admire Kinn so much?

Okay, I'm guessing now's not the time.

"Alright kiddo, let's go," Luna teased as she held me by the waist from behind and took off into the sky. I grumbled as the wind blew on my face.

"Excuse me, I'm seventeen." I said, trying to fold my arms.

"And I'm twenty."

"Do I look like I care?"

The two of us just snorted with laughter as we soared higher and faster. Luna had done this to each of us countless times, even Kinn and Blixer, to get us to get used to it. And frankly, it worked. The exhilarating feeling when you're aware that your legs are dangling in the air and the safety of the ground is miles down below was still present, but now I've trusted Luna up to the point where I know she has a strong grip and wouldn't let me fall just like that.

The apartment I lived in wasn't so different with the other buildings that surrounded it. It looked plain and it didn't really stood out much, apart from the fact that it was shorter than the other buildings, but I still liked it. It was the only thing I could afford at the time when I moved in to Paradise a few years ago, being an orphan and all, but honestly, I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon. Everything was within reach. The best thing was, the café that I loved to visit was literally next door.

"Let's go through the balcony," I joked.

I could almost feel Luna raising an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"I'm just kidding," I laughed. "Don't do it."

After landing and going inside, we climbed up the stairs (Luna doing it with a sour face because she was used to flying instead of climbing up staircases) and reached the door. I took out my keys and opened the door, and to my relief, the first thing I noticed was my phone sitting quietly and innocently on the table next to the window.

"Ah, there you are you little shit," I sighed, walking over to get it.

"Stop swearing," Luna said with an exasperated voice, but I ignored her.

But when I reached out to grab it, the phone suddenly rang. I took it, and it was Lili. Why did she call me?

Turns out Luna also got a call at the same time. "It's Verdan," she announced. "What does he want?"

"Lili's also calling me," I said, confused. Why would Lili and Verdan be calling us at this time, at the same time?

I picked up the call and almost immediately after I placed the phone against my ear, Lili's panicked voice rang, startling me.

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