A/N: Short hiatus (PLEASE READ)

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Hey guys, I know you were expecting an update but I've got news: I'll be putting this book on a short hiatus.

But waiwaiwait! Don't leave just yet!

It's mainly because I lost motivation, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I've lost interest in the fandom/writing this book! In fact, it's the exact opposite; I'm still HEAVILY passionate about JSAB (which, actually, is one of the reasons why I'm putting this on hiatus), and one of my biggest goals for 2020 is to finish Corrupted and maybe start on the Prequel as well.

The reason is because, right now, I'm obsessed with DJG3N6's JSAB fanfiction, Paradise Lost, and that's one of the only things related to JSAB I can focus on. And plus, I think I need a break from writing so I can refresh myself, and get it all back together again when I'm ready.

I'm already halfway through finishing chapter 9 though, so hopefully when I'm ready I'll be able to continue and finish it on the same day.

Oh, and another note! If you're a really observant reader, you might notice more than a couple of plot holes... and trust me. I'm aware of them. REALLY aware of them...

Alright, listen; I started writing this book when I first developed my very own headcanons. The characters, the universe, and the concept of the story were still considerably raw, but like the absolute dumbass I am, I just decided that I'll improvise along they way and went ahead and published it.

I did NOT expect to develop the whole story THAT much-

Currently I have about five fucking plot holes, and that is too much for a story with only eight chapters. There are some that are really obvious, but there are also ones that don't relate to the plot in the future- Which means there are more plot holes to come. This does not mean I'm not guilty about this though! I swear, I'm really embarrassed-

So one day, before I move on to the Prequel, I will go back and rewrite this shit, add some details that are completely missing and redo some cringy chapters. Let's just hope I haven't lost my interest in this wonderful fandom by then.

One last thing! Thank you so much for 6k reads by the way! Like- holy shit- I wasn't expecting anything over 1k when I first wrote it! I appreciate all the support and kind comments I recieved.

I hope you guys understand. Have a wonderful day/night and good luck in school if you're still in there!

And go check out Paradise Lost, it's simply mind-blowing.


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