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"Ok, Danny make sure that keep this area cleaned and shaved. We don't want it to get infected do we?" I asked putting the bandage around his thigh.

"I'd purposely get it infected if that means I get to see you KoKo," Flashing him a smile I placed the extra bandages in his hospital bag. Danny was one of my regulars at the hospital. Every week he comes in with a new gunshot or knife wound.

"Oh, Danny you make me blush," He's a huge flirt and I just put up with it because of my job. Plus he gives me huge tips for just smiling at him.

There's a ton of rumors about what Danny does for a living. Some say he's a pimp, some say a CEO and some think he's a drug lord or gang leader. I don't really know nor do I care. His personal life doesn't concern me but if I had to guess I would say either drug lord or gang leader giving by his wounds every time he comes here. Also, the fact that he has heavy security all around his door.

"Seriously though Danny stay out of trouble and change your bandage. The last time you didn't we almost had to amputate your leg. Now we don't want that do we?"

"Seriously though when are you going to let me take you out?"

"I don't think your wife would like that too much," I've met Danny's wife on several occasions and even though she's a bitch I don't deal with married men.

"We're in an open relationship. How many times do I have to tell you that?" I just shrugged as I threw my latex gloves away.

"Yeah, I bet. I'll see you later Danny, please try to stay out of trouble," I didn't leave time for him to say anything before I left out the room. "You guys have nothing better else to do huh?" I teased his security who just gave me a small head nod.

I went to my station where I sat and just waited for something to do. Today was another boring one but luckily I get off soon.

I had to be sitting at my desk for about 15 minutes when Danny came around the corner being rolled in a wheelchair by his henchmen. Of course, he stopped at my desk and handed me a piece of paper with his number written down.

"I'm going to keep giving it to you and hoping that you use it."

"And I'm never going to use it," I grinned still taking the paper from him anyway. "Goodnight Danny," he just smiled as he was being pushed away.

"Girl I don't know why you won't talk to him," Jennifer came up behind me. Jennifer is like my work Dallas. She's a really cool person and we talk about almost everything.

"He's a married man and plus he's way too cocky for me. That shits not cute at his age. He's 54 and acts like a horny teenager."

"Well he may be old but I bet that stamina ain't," She laughed sticking her tongue out. I shook my head as I stood and started to collect my things.

"Well my shift is over so I will see you later," I blew her a kiss and quickly clocked out. I just worked a 10-hour shift so I'm beat. All I want to do is get into bed and go to sleep.

"Excuse me, Nurse White?" I heard someone call from behind me. I turned and sighed seeing Justice leaning up against a car with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Instead of responding I just turned and continued my walk. "Wait wait! Let me just talk to you," he called running after me.

"I have to get home," I mumbled walking faster to my car. Last night was so embarrassing and I tried my hardest to block it out. That has never happened to me before and it was horrible.

"Kola please," he ran in front of me stopping me from walking. "Damn you walk fast," he breathed out.

"I'm a Nurse," I went to walk past but he held his hand out stopping me.

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