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"Every 5 minutes I need you to check his vitals. Let me know if his BP rises even one notch," I nodded as Dr. Russell gave me the instructions for our car crash victim. "And please don't forget to check his heart rate." 

"I won't," I put on a fake smile that dropped as soon as she walked off. "I'm so ready to get the fuck out of here," I mumbled taking a seat at the nurse's station. I'm one of the head registered nurses at one of the largest hospitals in Atlanta. I've been here for about 2 years and I'm so over this place. Between dealing with the huge egos from mediocre doctors and stupid patients I'm so ready to quit. Soon I'll be able to though I just have to be patient. 

"What you over here pouting 'bout?" Nurse Elise asked rubbing my shoulder. Elise is the oldest nurse in the hospital and well respected. She likes to take all the younger girls under her wing to help them with being a nurse. She was my teacher and mentor when I first started. 

"Nothing, just ready to go but you know how that is." 

"Trust me I know. Being here for 20 years has taught me a little something." I chuckled a little as I straightened up in my chair. Elise always likes to remind us younger girls that she's been here longer than us so we shouldn't complain as much as we do. Sometimes we can't help it though. 

"Nurse White," I looked back to see Dr. Russell giving me the eye. Sighing I stood up and promptly made my way to my patient's room. 

I made sure to close the door behind me as I read his chart. 

Johnny Davis, a 34-year-old college professor. He was on his way home from school when his car hit an 18 wheeler head-on. He was still alive but hanging on. We had to put into a medically induced coma. 

"Hmm a Benz," I mumbled reading what type of car it was that he drove. He dressed in expensive clothes which had me thinking a college professor wasn't his only job. 

Slowly but smoothly I made my way over to his bag where the other nurses put his clothes. Opening it I dug around before finding his khaki Armani pants. Reaching into his pocket I pulled out his wallet and searched around for any kind of card. 

I found several bank cards and took pictures of the front and back along with his driver's license. Before leaving out I made sure to put everything back in the same exact spot it was originally in. 

"Sorry," I whispered to him before slipping out the room. I placed his chart back on the door and walked down the hall as if nothing happened. 

Don't judge me this job doesn't pay as much as it should. I'm worth way more than the little 30 dollars they pay me an hour. The type of lifestyle I live is expensive to keep up and I must do that by any means. 

Growing up with nothing made me money hungry and I'm not ashamed to admit that. 

I stopped at a vending machine to get me something to snack on. Deciding on some pork skins I snacked on that as I just roamed the floor. Some days in the hospital are more exciting than others. Today was a boring day not that I was complaining that was easy money for me. 

"301 needs a bed change so get one of the nurses to do that," My eyes instantly rolled at the sound of that voice. I watched as Dr. Brandon and Dr. Kim made their way down the hall side by side. 

"Oh um White 301 needs their bedpan changed," Dr. Kim stopped me. I crunched on my skins as I just looked at him. 

"I'm on break," Technically I wasn't on a break but I didn't feel like changing any bedpan. 

"Well, now your break is over so get to it." 

"No, it's not," His eyes widen as he looked down at me. See that's the thing about these doctors they just think that they can talk to us nurses however they want and it'll be no problems. I'm not that type of bitch though I'm not about to sit and let anyone disrespect me. 

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