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Life was so boring to me now. Without my job, I had nothing to do. I planned to look for another one but right now maybe what I needed was a break. I cleaned my entire house, cooked myself an amazing lunch and now I just sat in front of my television watching Princess And The Frog.

I wonder when my prince will come cause lord knows I'm so tired of kissing frogs. My luck with relationships has been so horrible I just want to give up altogether. Every guy I've even been interested in has been an asshole and no good for me.

With Justice, I thought maybe things would be different but I'm starting to see that I was still wrong. I always fall for guys too fast and give my all to them when they don't deserve it and give me nothing in return.

Dallas tells me I shouldn't give up just yet but damn I'm so tired of going through hurt to find love. I still don't know if Justice got Baby pregnant, who the fuck was shooting at us, or if Justice really is into me.

Knock Knock Knock...

Looking back at the door I debated on if I wanted to get up or not. They continued to knock making me sigh and walked towards the door. I opened it and Yuko stood with her hair wild and clothes matted.

"C-Can I come in?" She asked looking around frantically.

"No, whatever shit you've gotten yourself into find your own way out." I went to close the door but it was pushed open by her body as she walked inside. "Yuko, get out of my house."

"Kola please I need your help," She spoke as I followed her into my kitchen. "Can I borrow 20 dollars? I swear to-"

"No," I cut her off. "I'm not giving you anything. I'm still pissed at you for that shit you pulled in Tybee. The way I see it you owe me 20 dollars so if that's all you came for then you can leave."

She sat at the island and held her head down. Any other time I would have given in and just given her the money plus more but not this time. I'm so tired of people taking me for granted especially her.

"Kola I'm your mother and all I'm asking for is a little help."

"Help to what get high?" I asked my voice rasing a bit. "I'm not giving you shit Yuko so leave." She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the doorbell ringing. "Don't go anywhere," I said walking towards the door.

"Now isn't a good time," I spoke as Justice stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"I just wanted to come to take you out. Don't back out on me now," He smirked licking his lips.

"I'm not backing out but right now really isn't a good time Justice." I went to close the door but was stopped by the sound of Yuko's voice.

"Kola who is this?" Justice looked at her then at me. "Is this why you can't help your mother out too busy sucking dick?" Justice's eyebrows arched in surprise and I just took a deep breath.

"Get out of my house," She was really starting to piss me off and it took everything not to go off on her.

"I did everything for you growing up and this is how you repay me? Does he know how many dicks you've suck? Or how many times you've been pregnant?"

"I've never been pregnant get the fuck out of here." She was trying her best to embarrass me in front of Justice and by the look on his face, it was starting to work.

"You not shit Kola and that's real. Fuck you and everything you stand for!"

"And that's fine," I shrugged as she pushed past Justice with so much force it almost knocked him over.

"I hope you have fun with that nothing ass bitch." She said to Justice.

"Fuck you get the fuck outta my house bitch!" I snapped walking towards her. Justice held his arm up stopping me halfway. "If I'm a hoe then I learned from you! Don't bring your ass back to my fucking house and I'm serious! Next time you come around here I'ma fuck you up!"

"I wish you would bitch you'd never live to see another day! I brought you into this world please make me fucking take you out!"

Waving my hand I reached behind Justice and slammed my door in her face making sure to lock it. Without even looking at him I made my way into my kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine filling it up to the top.

Justice came into the kitchen and sat down not saying a word. He started to roll up a blunt while I gulped down my drink. Once I was finished with that I poured myself another cup and started to drink that.

"We all have some fucked up family members," He mumbled reaching over and passing me his blunt. I grabbed it and took a long pull from it.

"She always acts like that for some strange reason. I'm sick of that shit," I spoke blowing the smoke from out of my mouth. "She's supposed to be my mother but it's nothing like that with her. Everything was so good until my dad left. She started to drink and do other things and the old her went out the window-"

I stopped talking as I felt my voice start to shake. I've never really opened up about the person my mom used to be. I honestly hated it when people even found out we were related. She's is the complete opposite of the woman she used to be.

"It's ok Kola," Justice got up and walked around the island towards me. I shook my head trying to stop the tears from coming out. He wrapped his arms around me and that's when I just broke down.

"I fucking hate her," I cried into his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. "I needed her and she just turned her fucking back on me. I was five and I needed my mother."

"I know," He mumbled holding me tightly in his arms. "Come on let's go lay down," He lead me into my room where I slept in his arms. It's been so long since a man has held me when I cried. The only person to do that was Slime and he would only do it once every blue moon.

Justice was really making it hard for me not to fall for him. I told myself the next guy I would fall for would be deserving and make me feel like the queen that I am.

Justice is slowly starting to become that person. 


Thanks so much for reading! 

I've been sick so this might not be the best lol but I tried


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