July Plan is Set

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Saturday 30 June


“Wonder what she has in mind,” I said sitting at a round table in Siobhan’s room.

“Wonder why she has this table in her room,” Ali answered back staring at the round table.

Siobhan walked in looking very professional in a pencil skirt and grey-black stripped blazer. Throwing down a heavy looking binder she stood before us, Ali cleared his throat nervously. Wonder what she’s got in mind.  

She straightened, “Okay, listen up. We have until August 31st to raise £13,300.”

“I only have to save £12,800, that’s a lot already, why add more!”

“Your plane ticket is going to be about £200 Aisling then, as I was going to say before you cut me off, we have to find you a place to stay while you’re in school. If we’re lucky maybe you can find one for only £300. It could be more though, I was rounding down.” I never thought about any of that. “And before you ask, if Murphy is going with you he can earn his own money. He doesn’t need to be there at a set time, you do. Now if you’ll please hush up Aisling I would like to get on with this meeting,” she stared at me stubbornly.

“Fine,” I pouted. What if Murphy doesn’t earn enough money in time?

“Does that work for you Aisling?”

I glanced back to see an annoyed Siobhan and a nervous Ali staring back at me. “Oh, sorry what was that?”

Siobhan sighed, “Just read it.” She pushed a piece of paper across to me.

·         Aisling part time job July/1st

·         Car wash July/6th

·         Bake Sale July/15th

·         Garage Sale July/19th

·         Community Dinner July/27th

“That’s all I’ve thought of so far. I’ll be adding more on as I think of them but, Aisling you’re to start looking for a job tomorrow! Try local kitchens or even labor work. It doesn’t matter what kind of a job, just get one.” She turned to Ali, “On Monday you and I are going to start gathering what we need to get this car wash up and running.”

“Why Monday and not tomorrow?”

She looked startled by the question, “I just have to be somewhere.” Before either of us could question her more she continued, “After your search on Monday Aisling we meet up here to start making signs okay?”

Ali and I saluted her, “sir yes sir!”

She gave us a cold stare, “haha guys,” before we all burst out laughing.

Sunday 1 July


I didn’t want to stay up all night like Siobhan suggested so I can cook several dishes that would just go to waste. Take pictures of different dishes you can make and show it to the restaurants you’re applying to. Make your food look pretty! Presentation is everything!

So, I’ve decided I shall start the search tomorrow. Today Murphy has so chivalrously offered to eat all the dishes I’m making. I started cooking at 10:30a.m and made six very professional looking dishes already. I’m thinking two more mains and at least four desserts and I’ll be set!

Well I’m going to stuff Murphy with some more food then prepare for tomorrows job hunt! Wish me luck!

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