LeWiS iS hOmOpHoBiC

399 21 12

Now now, as I've stated before i dont let people get away with doing shitty things. I will not stan for Louis and his stupid behavior, but i will defend him when needed.

So do we all know that story? Who cares, I'll explain it.

Basically it really just starts with Larry and Larry shippers. For about 4 years now, Larry shippers have been claiming that Harry and Louis are in a secret relationship, forced to be hidden by their management, Modest!. Over the years, we've seen Louis fed up by it, in result of the very popular tweet "larry is the biggest load of bullshit" or something like that.

So he wears a rainbow colored apple shirt one day, and someone made an article talking about that he was supportin someone in the apple business who recently came out, and then followed the article by talking about Harry doing something to support the lgbt community as well. The article had mentioned nothing about Louis' sexuality or even anything about Larry. So Louis, in response to the article, was pissed. He tweeted out to the woman saying the article was laughable and that he is in fact straight. 

several people took offense to this, claiming that Louis is homophobic? I mean...no. I am bisexual, I saw tons of gay people not offended, and neither was I. He wasn't being homophobic, he was just saying that he didn't wear that shirt to support that man, he was just wearing the original apple logo. Never said anything about NOT supporting gay people, just that he was wearing a shirt and cleared up that he was straight.

Should he have assumed that they were talking about Larry? No. But was it homophobic? No. Is Louis probably extremely fed up by all the Larry drama/rumours? Hell yeah. Was this most likely a result of it? Probably.

I don't think he should've assumed things about that article, but you dont have to take it as far as calling him homophobic, which I really doubt he is. Same thing with Liam. People just find excuses to hate on them, I just dont think these are necessary. Doesn't mean that Louis ISNT problematic, because he is. Hes a racist fuck who still hasn't apoligized but he's not homophobic, okay?

so stop canceling your fucking pre orders and whatnot, youre being ridiculous. You do realize youre making 1D not get the money they wouldve gotten if you bought the album and movie or whatever? They now have less money to spoil me with :P

alright what have we learned, children?

Louis - not homophobic but still problematic

Liam - not homophobic but needs to learn to shut HIS FUCKING MOUTH

Harry - beautiful and caring mother to me (and only slightly problematic)

Niall - beautiful blond son of mine

Zayn - creator of all beautiful things, even himself.

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