It's Merry & Bright (ForthBeam)

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Prompt: Lights | Pairing: Forth & Beam 

Forth leaned against the door frame of his  bedroom watching Beam sleep. He took a drink of his coffee trying to hold back the laugh trying to come up his throat. Beam was laying in the middle of his bed with his arms and legs wrapped around the bolster. Their sheets kicked around near the edge of the bed. His dark blue henley that Beam borrowed having risen up exposing a strip of tan skin and one of the pants legs higher than the other. His gaze shifted to the alarm on his nightstand. He sighed not wanting to wake him but he knows that the morning traffic towards his family home is going to be busy if he doesn't get Beam up now. 

Forth pushed himself off the door frame padding over to the bed. He sat his drink on his nightstand before sitting on the bed. 

"Babe, it's time to get up." Forth stated as he gently combed his fingers through Beam's sleep ruffled hair. His nails gently scratching the other man's scalp. 

"That's not helping." Beam groaned nuzzling further into the pillow in his arms.

"Maybe this will help." Forth chuckled before leaning down give him a quick peck on his forehead.

"Nope, fifteen more minutes" Beam grumbled earning a snort from his boyfriend. He almost thought he'd won more sleepy time when Forth's hand slipped out of his hair.  The thought was long gone when he felt the warm sneaky fingers starting to slip under the hem of his shirt where it had ridden up in the back. Beam immediately swatted at him which earned him a hearty laugh from his boyfriend. Forth's hand slipped away to stop him from being smacked anymore. 

"Fine, I'll get up." Beam complained tossing the bolster at Forth. Forth caught it easily watching Beam sit up. Beam rubbed his face. He looked over at the clock and groaned at the ungodly hour that he was awake at when he didn't have to be in class. He saw Forth's mug and reached for it. 

"It's diesel, babe."

"How do you drink that?" Beam fussed. 

"Like this." Forth replied grabbing his cup and taking a purposeful sip, "And if you'll be a good boyfriend and go take a shower.  I'll go down to the stall and get your favorite iced coffee and rice roll."

That earned him a Kit worthy glare and a kick that nearly landed against his stomach. Thankfully, Forth had moved out of his range as he stood up. "Hey!" Forth yelped.

"Go get my damn breakfast, boyfriend." Beam playfully ordered as he got off the bed heading to the bathroom.

"Yes, sir!" Forth chanted to him in a mock voice like one his juniors in his s.o.t.u.s group which earned the henley Beam had been wearing being thrown at him through the open bathroom door. Forth laughed loudly as he dodged the top.

An hour and a half later with Beam showered, both of them fed, and their bags in the back of his truck they were on the road to Forth's family home.  Beam settled into his seat angling it back a bit. His gaze flitting down at their intertwined hands on the center armrest. His thumb gently rubbing a circle on the back of Forth's hand. He looked up to see Forth smiling fondly as he drove.  Beam sipped on the remains of his large iced coffee that Forth had gotten him from Auntie Samantha's stall looking out the window. The sky had yet to cloud up like the weather man had promised. When Forth's mother had called them asking for them to visit, Forth and him had agreed to help decorate their house. He was stirred by Forth getting a call through the hands free.

"Good Morning, Auntie Rune." Forth answered making Beam chuckle. Since he started dating Forth. Beam has had the pleasure of meeting the small group of people that Forth calls family. His father had passed away went he was ten leaving him alone with his mother and her best friend, Rune. Rune is a free spirit with an adopted son, Neo - who Forth consider's a younger brother. 

"Good morning, sweetheart!" Auntie Rune's cheery voice filtered through speakers in the truck, "I trust that you and Beam are almost here?"

"Yeah, we'll be there in a hot minute." Forth joked making Beam laugh this time. Auntie Rune's hot minute can be anywhere from two minutes to two days. 

"Alright, smarty pants, I just wanted to see if before you get here if you'll stop at the store and grab two more boxes of lights. We went through the ropes last night and two had gone bad."

"I can but what do I get in return?"

"Oi, you brat." She fussed with not heat in her tone before making a tsking sound, "How about tom kha kai for lunch when you get here?" 

"Mmn, then I think we'll stop and get some for you."

"You mean for you because you two will be hanging them." His aunt teased before they said their goodbyes. It was another hour and half before they reached the store near Forth's family home. They picked up the two ropes of light and was warmly rewarded with some rather food coma worthy tom kha kai. Beam loved being at Forth's home. It was filled with love and memories that he could see from the pictures on the wall to the different knick knacks. 

After eating they'd gone up to the attic to bring down the decorations. Forth's mother wanted to start with the tree first and so they all unpacked all the boxes of ornaments.  Beam had only sat down to rest for a moment and didn't know when he fell asleep. When he does wake up though the sun is high up in the sky with him alone in the living room on the couch.  The tree glowing proudly in the corner.

As Beam sits up from where he'd fallen over he takes off the light throw blanket that'd been laid on him. He is surprised that Forth isn't there with him on the couch. He got up checking the kitchen and Forth's mom's study. When he found them empty he gathered that they must have left. He doubted that Forth would leave him without a text or note. He was just about to go for Forth's room when he saw Forth walk passed the hallway window towards the back patio. 

Well that explained why he wasn't on the couch with him. The engineer had started on the outdoor lights without him. He grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge before heading out side. When Beam stepped outside Forth was already up on the ladder. A ring of lights wrapped around his shoulder as he carefully clicked the lights in place to their respective claw like holders. 

"At last sleeping beauty is awake. You plan on helping me?" Forth asked with a smirk feeling Beam's gaze on him.

"Nope, I feel like you've gotten this under control." Beam answered cheekily leaning against the wall appreciating the perfect angle of Forth of those nice dark wash jeans.

"Like what you see?" Forth asked after looking down catching Beam shamelessly eyeing him. 

"Yep."Beam grinned. 

"What great help you are." Forth joked coming off the ladder after clicking the last of the rope in place. 

"I'm the best help." Beam sassed back wiggling his eye brows while handing him the bottle of water making Forth laugh. 

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