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Waking up, groaning, I cracked my neck and blew out a sigh. After that, I cracked my back then looked around, forgetting I slept on the chair in Skylar's room for the third night this week. She was still sound asleep so I quietly stood up and walked out before shutting the door.

I jogged downstairs then into the kitchen and fixed myself a glass of orange juice. Daniella told me how Skylar never ate the spaghetti she fixed her and I think I frowned.

Daniella's been trying to get Skylar to eat and she's slowly making process. She's starting slowly, with sandwiches, snacks, and so forth. Even though we've barely make any type of contact, I can tell shes gaining trust in me and I can feel our bond getting slightly stronger.

I don't want to pressure her into anything so, I'm giving her the space she needs until she's ready to actually talk about it. She's been through enough before we've found her so I want to give her time before I throw all of this information at her.

"Lukas, I'm going run to the store real quick." Daniella poked her hair through the door of my office.

"Alright," I answered back.

"Want anything?"

"Stuff to cook and get me a sprite." She nodded her head then walked away, shutting my door.

Checking all the reports I've gotten these past few days, we've gotten more and more rogues come by our territory asking for a fight. I don't know why, but it's getting agitating and it's pissing me off. They're not hard to handle though since we're all obviously more trained.

A soft knock came from the other side of the door, making me groan in frustration.

"Come in." Skylar slowly walked in and my attention immediately switched to her.

"Everything okay?" I spun the chair so I was now facing her and I could feel her heart pounding in her chest, she was nervous.

"I-I noticed you left, I didn't want to be alone."

"You could sit in here if you want, there's a little sofa over there." She nodded her head then shut the door before walking over to the couch and sitting down.

Going back to my work, for some reason I felt distracted. Her heart is pounding with nervousness and I wanted to know why.

I spun around once more, immediately catching her attention.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" I shrugged.

"You just seem nervous." She shook her head, picking with her fingernails.

"I-It's just... never mind. Forget it."

"You can talk to me if you need to, Skylar." Skylar looked up at me her beautiful green eyes, popping out at me.

"Well... when your around, it's like I get all nervous and stuff. I-I don't know how to explain it." I chuckled and rolled my chair closer to her.

"Skylar, do you know what a mate is?" She nodded.

"Well, that's what we are. You're my mate and I'm yours." Skylar looked taken aback before slowly nodding her head.

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