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Waking up this morning was not I intended on doing after last night's discovery. If I had a any more emotions to feel, I would still not know how to describe how I felt. I had always practiced what I would say to my dad if I'd ever meet him. Now, my tongue was twisted.

"Oh God." Was all I muttered.

The man that abandoned my family.

The man that left us all alone to fend for ourselves.

This man, right here, birthed me.

"I looked everywhere for you, Son."


He has the nerve to call me son? After so many years? That one word was enough to make my emotions erupt.

"No! You don't get to call me that after ALL THESE YEARS. You say you have looking for me? Did you check the place where you left me and your pregnant wife?"

Tears gushed out of my eyes. I wasn't sad. I wasn't angry. I was disappointed. The thought of being "rented" by my father did not cross my mind.

"I'm not here to fight with you. This business you're in is very dangerous. I'm here to bail you out." He walks towards the door and opens it, "Don't go anywhere."

Who does he think he is? He walks around like a fucking owns the place.
He has no empathy whatsoever. I stormed over to the door and slam it shut.

"You're going nowhere until i get some answers! You're not gonna walk out like you did years ago Mike!" I was fuming.


My hand raises itself, rolls into a fist and launches itself on this man's cheek.

"Don't you fucken dare call yourself my dad. You don't deserve to tell me what to call you MIKE. A dad doesn't walk away from his family, let alone his pregnant wife."

When I'm angry my body takes control over itself.

"Now, sit on that fucking bed and answer my damn questions."

Defeated, he walks over to the corner of the bed and sits. I follow suit.

"Why did you leave?" Looking him sraight in the eyes. Silence floated between us.

"Jahquil, I'm so sorr-"

"Answer me!"

My outburst startled him. "I don't want your stupid apology! I want answers." My body was taking control over itself, I was ready to burn this piece of shit alive.

"Okay, okay." He lets out a sigh. "I had lost my job at the contruscton company as I was unfairly dismissed. I couldn't afford a lawyer to fight my case against the company so I went out to scout for a job. I found someone who had a pretty good business plan and we became business partners because we needed what the other person had. But, teaming up with him came with an ultimatum. I was forced to choose between staying with you guys whilst unemployed or go far away and make millions. The choice I made us obvious."

"You chose money over your own family? You're a disgusting bastard!"

My blood was boiling again.

"I tried to send you guys money but somehow your location was untraceable. I don't know how that was possible. When I went back to the house you guys were gone. I never gave up looking for you." He was looking down and playing with his hands.

"Why are you back? What do you want?"

"I want my family back. I want to make up for lost time and support you. I am very sorry for leaving you when you needed me." I kept silent. I had so many things to ask him but I had had enough of this conversation for now.

"You can go."

He stands up and walks out.

Minutes later he walks back in. "Get dressed, we'll leaving in two."

We got to a warehouse that was full of trucks written "Hobbs Logistics" on the side. When we got inside we went straight into an office.


Ms Lady-mean-bitch.

Why are we here?

"Let this be the last time you barge into my office. Let's get this over and done with, I have a busy schedule." What the fuck is going on?

"I swear, it won't kill you to be nice. Jahquil, we're here today to talk about your freedom."

Freedom? What is he talking about?

"Michael Hobbs wants to how should I put this... purchase you."



I couldn't help but laugh at this joke.

Her straight face told me it wasn't a joke.

Fucking hilarious.

"Whatever you did to him last night, you did good. He's prepared to pay R3 million for you."

My mind was still being wrapped around being bought like I'm a piece of meat, now I'm being told my life is worth R3 million?


Incarcerated: Story of Jahquil DanielsWhere stories live. Discover now