🦋 new beginings 🦋

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Soulmates are very important in this world. Everyone has one. That's one person, that makes them feel like their in heaven. But i don't believe it, not anymore at least. When i was little around 5-9 years old i thought i was going to find him. But i didn't. For everyone else they see their worlds in color. Because they actually found their soulmate. I'm 18 now. It's been so fucking long. i lost hope so long ago. Even my mom says i should still believe he's out there but no. fuck it. he. does. not. exist.
- [Y/n]

"[Y/N]! DINNERS READY HURRY UP OR THE CATS GONNA EAT IT!" my mom screamed. "IM COMING DON'T LET SNOWBALL EAT IT PLEASE!" i yelled back and ran down the stairs. " Are you still writing in that diary about not finding the one?" my mom asked while washing off the hot pan. "......No?....." "[Y/n] you have to be hopeful." she said softly while turning around slowly. "...how..." i chocked and gasped as i realized i was crying. " how can i be so hopeful that he's out there he could be dead you know..." i wiped my tears and became quite as i ate my food. " i know he's out there for you.." my mom said with a faint smile and turned off the lights. all but the one shining down on me. " i love you [y/n] goodnight..." she said quietly and walked up the stairs and went to her room.

i began to cry quietly. " how can i be so hopeful over a guy i don't fucking know..." i whispered under my crying. i put my food away and walked quietly into my room and got ready for school. as i cried into my deep sleep.

i woke up to my moms soft voice telling me good morning. as she walked out from my room i got up and walked into my bathroom and saw my tear stained cheeks. i took a shower and got completely ready and then laid on my bed for about 10 minutes. i saw the time and had began walking to school. it was a 5 minute walk. had everything i needed my backpack with all my homework done my phone and my headphones. i put my headphones in and listened to music while walking.

when i got to school i went to my first period class. i sat in my seat. i thought to myself. " i would be really sappy and dumb if my soulmate just walked in." i thought as i put my hair in a low bun. { sorry if you have short hair... :( } a big group of boys walked in and none of them looked familiar. i looked up and they... THEYRE STARING AT ME. i looked away. my world was colored. what. the. the. fuck. what's happening. NO NO DONT LOOK AGAIN. i will admit i was a generally pretty girl i had soft glass like skin and i was some what curvy. { again sorry if that dosent apply to you<3 :( } i was only wearing tight leggings and a sweater but fuck. WHY ARE THEY STARING SO DAMN HARD. foot steps. aRe ThEy cOmInG hErE?!!? shit. i grabed my phone and like any "normal" person played some minecraft.

"BONK!" i hear someone yell i look up and they same boys that where in the door way are surrounding me. i have to be honest. their all really cute. but yeah..? there's a cubby one with fluffy curly hair and he's really cute to almost adorable. but him. he's holy. he might be my color but there's no chance in the world.

"well hey pretty lady i'm traves" the adorable guy said making me lowkey giggle. " hey" i said quietly making him turn red. "s-sorry i'm [y/n] by the way.." i said in a regular taking voice causing all of them to look at me and smile. " this is ted" traves said while pointing at a very tall guy with glasses. mr. stare into your soul schlatt." he said while pointing to the guy staring at me. "hey schlatt" i said while smiling causing him to to smile and blush?.. no yeah no. "you see what i'm seeing right?" he turned to the guys and asked causing them to look at him confused.

i looked at the guys as they pulled schlatt aside as ted talked to me about my day. why can i see color now? why now?

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