Chapter 49: Alte Donau

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Gia was checking the displayed books on the novel bookshelf. Then, someone approached her whom she believed was a visitor. "Excuse me, do you have The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in this store?"

Gia was thinking for a moment. "Hmm, I think that we have it here."

"Can you please help me to find it?"

"Sure. Follow me."

Gia was helping the visitor to find the book he needed when she felt the vibrate in her jeans pocket. The man thanked her as she had found the book. Then, she left from that place. She took her phone and she saw a message from Seb. She quickly opened it.


Meet me at Alte Donau. I'm on my way there now.

Alte Donau was a famous lake in Vienna. It was one of her favourite places to visit. She was always happy to come there. It would be the first time for them to meet after the last time at Rathauspark, around 10 days ago, where he was upset as she still showed her doubtful about their further relationship.

She started wondering what he would talk about with her there. But of course, the first thing she wanted to do was apologising to him. She knew that she had made him wait for too long.

Deep inside her heart, she also wanted to start a relationship with him. But she needed time until she was fully ready. She typed her reply, although she thought that he probably wouldn't check his phone as he would be driving.


Okay, Seb. I'll go there now.

After that, Gia went up to the second floor as she wanted to take her bag and ask for permission to Mariska. She opened her office room's door and she found her there. "Mariska."

Mariska who was writing on her notebook glanced at Gia. "Hi, Gia. Do you need something?"

"I want to go to Alte Donau."

Mariska frowned. "Alte Donau? What do you want to do there?"

Gia told Mariska her purpose to go there. "Seb wants to meet me."

Mariska closed her notebook and put her pen above it. She moved from her chair to walk closer to Gia. She lifted one of her hands and she held it in between her hands. "Go and talk to him. Both of you are mature enough to settle this. I believe that Seb isn't really angry at you. Maybe he doesn't like to wait for too long. But I'm sure that he understands now."

Gia was teary as she was touched with Mariska's words. "Thank you. You are so wise, Mariska."

She then put her right hand on her stomach. "Maybe the baby inside my tummy makes me become a wiser woman," Mariska said which made Gia chuckle. "But I'm serious, Gia. It's not about I'm wise or not. If you ask your mother, Gilbert, or anyone else who knows you and Seb, they will say the same thing. He isn't really upset at you and both of you can settle it."

Gia smiled. "Thank you once again, Mariska. I need to apologize to him first. Then, I'll try to talk about how our relationship will go next."

"That's good. Just go! Don't make him wait."

Gia hugged Mariska for a few moments before she took her bag with her and left the room. She stopped a taxi right after she went out of the bookstore. She was hoping that the talks between Seb and herself would go well.

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