Chapter 55: The Park

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Seb held Gia's hand as they were walking out of his parents' house. While, their families were following behind them. They all were happy as they had found the perfect date and venue for the couple to get married.

"Seb, you don't have to reserve the rooms for us," Gilbert said.

"It's fine, Gilbert. You don't have to think about that." Then, Seb asked for permission to bring Gia somewhere. "Mrs. Hassler, is it okay if I go somewhere with Gia? I promise that I will drive her to the hotel after that."

"No problem, Seb. I know that you miss her so much. Enjoy your time with her," Adelina smiled.

Gia had no idea where Seb would bring her to. She was expecting if he would drive around Heppenheim as they both had missed the town. He probably wanted to reminisce the times when they both still lived there.

"Heike, Norbert, I on behalf of my family want to thank all of you for welcoming us. I'm so happy that our talks about Gia and Seb's wedding plan today went well," Adelina thanked Seb's parents.

"I think that we should thank you all as well for coming here," Heike replied. "See you tomorrow, Adelina. I hope that tomorrow we can talk more about the plan after we visit Ludwig's grave."

"I hope so, Heike."

Then, Adelina, Gilbert, and his family said goodbye to Seb's parents and Fabian. After that, they entered his car and it started to move away. Seb was also ready to go. "Are you ready, Gia?" he asked her.

"I am." Then, Gia walked closer to his parents. "Thank you so much for today, Mr. and Mrs. Vettel. Your advices as parents mean a lot to Seb and I."

Heike started holding Gia's hands. "With pleasure, Gia. I can't wait to hear you call us Mama and Papa."

"We believe that you are the best for Sebastian," Norbert added.

Gia tried not to cry in front of them. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I'll see you again tomorrow."

"Yes. See you, Gia." Heike gave a long hug for her. "Take care on your way."

Then, Seb and Gia said goodbye to his parents and Fabian before they left. As usual, he helped her to open the passenger door. Both of them started using their seatbelts and he turned the engine on. She was always amazed with the sound of Ferrari car and he always noticed it.

On the way, Gia asked Seb as she was curious where he would bring her to. "Seb, where are we going to go now?"

"You know this place so well, Gia."

Gia didn't force him to answer as she knew that he would try so hard to keep it as a secret. She was focusing her eyes on the street in front of her. She started realizing where he would bring her to. But she remained silent. Some minutes after, they arrived at their destination. She had guessed it right. He brought her to the park where they used to play together when they were little.

"Come on!" Seb asked Gia to get out of his car.

After Gia closed the door, she paid attention to the park that was much better compared to some previous years. Seb held out one of his hands and she took it with hers. They walked hand in hand slowly to the park.

They were approaching the bench where they usually sat down at. They knew that it was their favourite bench as it was very close to an oak tree. Seb and Gia finally sat there. Both of them were still silent for a few minutes until he realized that her shoulders were shaking.

"Are you crying, Gia?"

Gia took her glasses off and put it inside her bag. Then, she wiped her tears with her palm. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

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