Chapter 53: A Week In Switzerland (Part 2)

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Fifth day at Seb's house, but most importantly, it was her birthday. Gia was quite sad as she couldn't be with her mother, Mariska, and all employees of her bookstore on her special day. But, she knew that she would celebrate her 32nd birthday with the most special man.

She took a bath right after she was awake. Some minutes later, she finished bathing and she had looked so fresh. She combed her hair after she dried it. Like the previous days, she wanted to prepare the breakfast for Seb and herself. But, when she was about to enter the kitchen, she saw him making something there.


He glanced and then smiled as she had finally appeared. "Hi!"

He immediately washed his hands and wiped it before he got near to his beautiful girlfriend. He wrapped his arms on her and started kissing her gently. He could say that he was addicted to her lips already.

She kissed him back and she was melting into him. They shared a longer kiss than usual. When he pulled away, he could see that her face had reddened, something that he always saw every time he had kissed her. And it made her look very cute.

"Happy birthday, my love."

"Thank you, my love," Gia smiled sheepishly.

"I make something special for you."

"What is that?" Gia started wondering.

Seb smirked. "I remember that you are very, very greedy for eggs. So I... ouch!" He groaned as Gia pinched his upper arm. "Hey! I told the truth, didn't I?"

"Keep teasing me as you like, Seb." She crossed her arms on her chest and pouted. She pretended to be angry.

"Okay, I'm sorry if you are offended." He walked backwards and laughed as she was about to pinch him again. "I remember that you like Bauernomelett, so I make it for you."

Gia's eyes sparkled. "Aww that's my favourite! Thank you, Seb!"

Seb chuckled as Gia sometimes showed her childish side. It was something that he loved from her, always being herself. He asked her to sit down and just wait while he was preparing the omelet for their breakfast. But she offered him help to prepare two glasses of water for both of them.

As they started having their breakfast, Gia seemed enjoying her omelet. She even finished her breakfast before him. Seb wanted to laugh but he tried not to as he was afraid if Gia would pinch him again. After both of them finished, he took her plate and glass as he would wash the dishes. Because it was her special day, he wanted to do everything for her.

"Now, I want to show you something," Seb said after he wiped his wet hands.

Gia smiled. "Hmm, I'm excited to know that."

"If you are excited, then come on, follow me!"

From the dining room, Seb held Gia's hand and brought her upstairs. They kept walking until they stopped in front of a room. He released her hand as he would take a key from his shorts' pocket.

"Seb, why do you bring me here? You said that this is the storage room, right? You told me that you haven't had time to-"

Seb ignored her questions. Instead, he cut her off and unlocked the door. "You can open it."

Gia was still confused but she did as he asked. When she opened the door, she immediately closed her mouth as she was surprised with everything inside the room.

 When she opened the door, she immediately closed her mouth as she was surprised with everything inside the room

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