Chapter 38: The Excitement

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Four days before her wedding day, Mariska still worked at the bookstore. She had told Gia that she would still work until Friday. She could feel the excitement on her best friend day by day. She was happy that she would finally get married to the man she really loved.

"Why are you smiling, Gia?" Mariska chuckled.

Gia woke up from her daydream. "Eh, I'm imagining you as the bride and Tobi as the groom. You two make a perfect couple."

Mariska was melting. "Aww that's so sweet of you, Gia. I'm getting nervous, to be honest."

"I know. Gilbert told me the same before he got married to Sophia. Are you sure that you've prepared everything?"

"I'm so sure, Gia," Mariska replied while typing on her laptop. "Tobi and I have prepared everything for our wedding."

"That's good then."

Mariska stopped typing as she stood up and walked closer to Gia who was reading a book. "Gia, is there any news from Seb?"

Gia closed her book before she said, "I'm sorry, Mariska, but I haven't got in touch with him the past few days. He has just arrived from Brazil, I guess, so I think that he must be exhausted. The last time I talked to him, he didn't say anything about coming to your wedding."

"It's fine, Gia, no need to apologize. As I said, Tobi and I won't force him to come, but at least we have invited him, and he has congratulated us," Mariska made Gia sure that it wasn't a problem if Seb couldn't come to her wedding.

"I promise I'll try to contact him again."

"Okay but remember, don't force him to come," Mariska warned her with a chuckle.

Just before Mariska had a seat on the couch next to Gia, there was a knock on the door. She tried to remember if there was an appointment with a book publisher. She found out that it was Sarah who knocked it.

"Mariska, do I disturb you?" she asked after Mariska opening the door.

"No. Do you need something, Sarah? Or there's someone coming?" she asked the woman who worked as the distribution and warehouse manager.

"Yes. There are guests for you and Gia," Sarah told her.

"Who are they? And where are they from?"

Gia stood up from the couch as she was curious to know who was talking to Mariska. "Hi, Sarah," she smiled at her.

"Hi, Gia. There are two women who want to meet you both, but they asked me not to tell who they are to you. They are waiting at the guest room."

Mariska glanced at Gia as she was confused that Sarah didn't mention the details of the guests who had just come. "Okay, thank you, Sarah. Mariska and I will go there now," Gia replied. She was confused as well, but she thought that it would be better for them to find out as soon as possible.

"With pleasure, Gia. Now I should go back and do my task," Sarah said goodbye before she left.

"Okay, I guess, we should head to the guest room now," Gia said.

"Of course."

Gia and Mariska left their office room and walked together to the guest room which was precisely next to it. How surprised they were when the door was opened. "Surprise!"

"Oh my God! Ivy! Iris!"

Gia and Mariska immediately hugged their guests. Ivy and Iris were twin sisters and they were their classmates when they all studied in Frankfurt. It had been a long time not to meet them.

"Why didn't you tell me that you've been in Vienna?" Mariska asked.

Ivy and Iris were obviously the invited guests at her wedding. But they didn't tell her that they would be in Vienna some days before her special day. "We are sorry, Mariska. We want to visit some places here before attending your wedding next Sunday. We arrived last night, to be honest," the elder one, Ivy, replied.

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