Chapter 36: Berlin

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Gia and Adelina walked at Berlin Tegel Airport as they had arrived in the city where Gilbert and his little family lived on Friday evening. After Seb received Gilbert's phone number from her, he started to get in touch with him, to talk about the gather among their families.

They agreed to meet at Gilbert's house a week after the race in Japan, because after that, Seb would be very busy to prepare the races on the American continent. He had told his mother and sister to wait at the airport as he would pick them up after he finished working. So, they sat down at the waiting area.

"This airport is very busy, isn't it?"

Gia nodded. "Yes, mom. No wonder it becomes, if I'm not mistaken, the fourth busiest airport in Germany."

"Yeah. Gia, do you miss living here in Germany?"

Gia glanced at her mother before she said, "Sometimes I do. But now I'm so happy to live in Vienna. What about you?"

"More or less the same as you. I'm also happy to live in Vienna now." Then, Adelina asked her about Seb and his family. "What time will they arrive tomorrow?"

"Seb told me that the plane will land at 9 in the morning. He has also rented a car while they are here."

Adelina nodded. "Then, what about Bernadette?"

Gia was a bit surprised as Adelina asked about her. But she tried to hide it and thankfully she had known the answer. "She pays a visit to her store in Amsterdam for some days. Seb just told her that he would go to Heppenheim."

"So he didn't tell her that he would go to Berlin?"

"No," Gia shook her head. "Seems like Seb doesn't want to tell her anything about me."

Adelina nodded. She had her own opinion on why Seb didn't want to tell anything about Gia to his current gilfriend. From the corner of her eye, she saw Gilbert who had just arrived approaching them. "That's Gilbert!"

Gia glanced and that was right, Gilbert was walking closer to them. He wore a plain grey shirt and the sleeves of the shirt had been rolled up. "Mom! Gia!"

The first woman Gilbert hugged was Adelina. He kissed the head of his mother and hugged her so tight as he had been missing her. "How are you, mom?" Gilbert asked as he pulled away from her.

"I'm all good, thanks. What about you, my son?" Adelina put her palms on his chest.

"I'm a bit tired but I'm okay," Gilbert smiled. "And what about you, my little sister?" Gilbert started hugging Gia. He also left a kiss on her forehead.

Gilbert's affection to Gia always reminded her of their late father. "I'm fine, Gil."

He pulled away from her. "Good to hear that. I'm sorry that I'm a bit late."

"No problem, Gilbert. We both know that you are always busy," Adelina understood him.

"Okay. I think Sophia and Leon have been waiting for us. Let me help you, mom," Gilbert offered Adelina help to bring her suitcase.

"Thank you."

"Do you want me to bring yours, Gia?"

Gia refused politely. "No, thanks, Gil. I can bring it myself."

Gilbert took his mother's suitcase with his right hand, while his left hand was embracing her. Gia walked next to them. It took more or less 15 minutes to get to his house. He drove his phytonic blue BMW X5 with slower speed as the road was quite jammed.

As they finally arrived, Gilbert got out of his car to open the front fence of his house and after that he got back to the car. Before Gia left the car, she saw Sophia and Leonard standing in front of the door, waiting for them. She couldn't wait to carry him in her arms.

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