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Short A/N: this chapter is basically a more in-depth version of the short intro thing (I think it's called a synopsis???) Anyways, feel free to skip if you want to be lame like that. jk, I'll still love you.

December 27, XXXX

Dear Journal,

My name is Draco Malfoy. I am 10 years old. I really don't know what to write. Mrs. Susanne gave me this for Christmas to write my feelings or something. Oh, Mrs. Susanne walked by to tell me that I should write interesting things about myself.

My name means Dragon i think.
I am 10 years old. But I already said that.
I am deaf. (That means I can't hear.)
I'm an orphan, but my parents aren't dead.
And I am writing to a stupid book as if it is a real person.

Yours truly,
Draco Malfoy


January 3, XXXX

Dear Journal,

I'm back again. I think writing here really did help me a few weeks ago. This is the only way I can speak freely without Mrs. Susanne getting angry at me.


That was awesome. Oh no. Mrs. Susanne is coming. I'll be back later.

Draco Malfoy


January 4, XXXX

Dear Journal,

Hi again. Yesterday Mrs. Susanne came to get me from my room because my parents sent me a letter. I'm sorry I didn't come back earlier, but I forgot.

The letter told me that they loved me and all that crap, but it also said that I'm more special than all the other kids. That I can "do things" or something like that. I didn't understand it. My dad wrote that after a war (what war? we haven't learned about that in school) they had to run away from the police because they were bad people. And he said that I couldn't come with them because I'm deaf. Mrs. Susanne was reading over my shoulder and she hugged me really tightly when I was done reading. Anyways, I thought you should know.

So long,
Draco Malfoy


June 5, XXXX

Dear Journal,

Sorry I haven't wrote to you in a while. I thought I put you in my trunk, but you were under the bed. But guess what? I'M ELEVEN. I'm officially a year older. Mrs. Susanne brought me a cake so I have to leave. The kids are all going to sign the happy birthday song to me. It's going to be EPIC.



July 28, XXXX

Dear Journal,

A Really nice old guy came to see me today and told me that I'm gonna start and a new school in September. He signed to me. He told me I was special, and not like the other kids. He told me I was a wizard. I thought he was kidding, then he turned my pencil into a caterpillar. It was awesome. He said that from September through June, I will attend Hogwarts. I think I'm actually kind of excited. I should get a letter around the first of August so that I can get my supplies. He told Mrs. Susanne to take me to diagonally? Whatever that means. Anyways, that was cool.



Dear journal,

Its the same day, Mrs. Susanne just told me that her parents were wizards. She explained that she's something called a squib. She also explained that my parents were done very bad people in the wizarding war and that I was in a very high class of wizards called purebloods. I'm still really confused about it, but I thought it'd be cool to write it in here.

Bye again,

Another A/N: not all of the chapters will be journal entrys, just this one. Also, this chapter is being published as a teaser! The rest of this story will begin being published in celebration of my other fanfic hitting 100k reads! If you haven't already, please go check it out!

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