A/N: Important!

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This was Book 1! There will be a book two. It will follow Lil, in her adventures with her friends, along with still following Draco and Harry as they try to overcome the problems Draco's "parents" have caused. As you may have noticed Draco and Harry haven't had their wedding yet, it will be in the next book. On another note, Ditty will be in the next book! She will play a role in Lil's life.

As of right now, I think there will only be two books in this series, but my plans may change in the future!

The way I write my books is strange, I write the entire thing, and then I publish each chapter on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. So it may take a little while for the second book to come out, so bear with me folks!

I'm so glad you all liked this enough to read this far, and I cant wait to see where this road takes us!

If you haven't already read it, please consider reading my other Drarry Fanfic, Only Us! I'd love to hear your feedback on that one as well.

And on that note, I love you all! See you in book 2! (When I come up with a name and synopsis I will post another chapter here)

Lots of Love,

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