Chapter 5: A Date?

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Harry's POV

"I'm calling a official Trio meeting." I declared, walking into the common room.

"We're the only people in here anyways. So say what's on your mind Harry." Hermione smiled sweetly.

"As you both know, our next Hogsmeade trip is coming up." They nodded. "I want to learn enough sign language to talk to Draco, and ask him to come with me."

"Blimey. Like, as a date?" Ron looked surprised.

"Yes, unless he's uncomfortable with it."

"Go for it Harry. He wouldn't be able to say no to that."

"What do you want to say exactly?" Hermione seemed deep in thought. "I might could help you. I had a close cousin that was deaf and I learned sign language to talk to her." She smiled. "Although, she can hear slightly now that she had a few procedures done a few years ago. I haven't signed until you brought Draco into the picture."

"You never told us that."

"It never came up. But anyways... Harry, what do you want to say to him?"

"I don't exactly know. Something along the lines of 'I really like hanging out with you. Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?' then I want to learn 'Then it's a date.' for when he says yes."

"Oh, that's simple." She began moving my hands into various shapes. "Now repeat those until you memorize it."

"Uhm. Could you show me again?"


3rd Person POV

Harry spent all night, and the following day trying to learn one simple sentence in sign language. When he finally felt confident enough in his skills, he snatched a peice of parchment from Dean's desk. He wouldn't miss it anyways.

Dear Draco,

I have something important I'd like to talk with you about. Please meet me by the largest stone near the Forbidden Forest. See you soon!


He rushed off to the owlry and have the note to Hedwig. "Just leave it on his desk, remember he can't hear you." Harry whispered before reaching a hand out to pet her gently. "Come find me after you're done and I'll give you a special treat." She hooted a happy reply and flew off. Harry walked swiftly through the halls and made his way to the rock.

Draco's POV

Hedwig, Harry's beautiful snowy owl flew into the common room and dropped another note onto my lap. I handed her a nut from my trail mix, and she flew off.

I read the note as carefully as I can. What does he want to talk about?? Does he want to go on a date? No. That's impossible. He's just a friend, he'll never like a deaf nobody like me. He probably just wants to chat. Yeah, that's all it is. I should grab our notebook and go there right now. Stop lollygagging around Draco.

I reach the rock about five minutes after I receive the note, Harry was nowhere in sight. Great, he blew you off for being late you dumb fool. I began walking away, until hand grabbed my wrist. I spun around and just about punch him until I saw that mop of raven hair. It's only Harry.

I grabbed my quill and the notebook, and furiously wrote fuck you POTTER, you almost received a black eye. Don't sneak up on someone who can't hear.

He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask you something.

Well? Ask away. He looked nervous so I shot him a reassuring smile. Is he going to ask what I think he's going to ask?

Will you go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?

Not exactly what I hoped for, but he just signed perfectly! Although, I'm sure that is the only thing he's learned. So instead of signing yes, I simple smile and nod.

His whole face lights up and he lunges forward to hug me. We stand there, near the Forbidden Forest for what seems like forever, just holding eachother. When he pulls away, he starts to sign, but I missed the first part. I grab the notebook and scribble: Could you repeat that? I missed it.

Then it's a date. He smiled.

I currently have no clue what to do with my hands. I'm going on a date with Harry, this weekend.

All good instincts leave my mind and I laugh. And grab his hands. I kiss him on the cheek and run back to my dorms. I've got to owl mum and tell my beautiful cat the great news.

Harry's POV

All I can do is stand here. He kissed me, he actually kissed me. "YES!" I jump up and pump my fists in the air. I actually did it. I'm going on a date with the best boy in school. This weekend. After he's out of sight, I run to Hagrid's hut. I need to tell someone, and Hagrid is the closest person.

I knock on the door three times and Hagrid's smiling face towers over me. "Oh! Ello 'arry. I just made a fresh pot of tea, come on in!"

"Hagrid, I have the best news on Earth."

"Oh? Did that Slytherin boy agree to go on a date with you?"

"Ye- wait. How did you know?"

"C'mon now. We both know that Ron ain't the greatest at keepin' secrets." I rolled my eyes and Hagrid chuckled.

"Anyways, he didn't just say yes Hagrid. He kissed me too!" I sighed, reliving the moment. My cheek still burns from where his lips touched my skin. "Hagrid we're going to Hogsmeade together. On a date!"

"Seems like this boy makes ya real 'appy" he smiled down lovingly at me. I nodded and took a sip of the tea he handed me, not even caring that it tastes like dung and pebbles. Then I jumped up, realising something.

"I need to see Ginny!"

"The Weasley girl? Why?" He looked at me quizzically.

"I don't know what to wear!" Hagrid laughed again and shooed me away. "Bye Hagrid, it's nice to see you!"

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