Chapter 9: Anniversary

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*Two Years Later* (if you've got something to say about the skip, read #4 of the last chapter)

"What're you gonna do for your anniversary Harry?" Ron, Hermione and I were all sitting on my bed talking about anything and everything. I had completely forgotten that it was almost Draco and I's 2 year anniversary until Hermione said something.

"Merlin's beard Hermione! What would I do without you? I have no clue what to get him."

"Well, he's deaf."

"Good observation Ron. How long did it take you to figure that one out?" I smirk at him and roll my eyes.

"Well, no I mean, why dont you get him that new wizard device, I think it's called 'Auditus'? I heard about it from my dad and Tonks."

"What's it do?"

"It's only a trial device, but it's made for deaf wizards. It's supposed to be for deaf wizards like Drake. It basically let's them hear." He paused to take a bite of his biscuit. "Dad says cuz it's only in the trials now, it's got a few bugs and hard to get a hold of."

"I'm sure if you talked to Arthur he'd be able to pull some strings." Hermione suggested.

"I can try, but what if Draco thinks I'm trying to erase that part of him? Because I'm not! I just want him to be happy."

"How about we ask Pansy and Blaise to discreetly slip the idea into his mind, and they can tell us how he reacts to it?"

"Hmm okay... but I'm going to see if I can find him something in Hogsmeade too, just in case."

"Sounds great. Now can we get back to studying I'd like us all to pass our last year at Hogwarts?" Ron and I laughed, but agreed.


"He was... intrigued, but to be fair he was studying when we said something." Blaise tried to reassure me.

"I'm sure blond boy will love anything you give him Potter." Pansy rolled her eyes. "He's been madly in love with you since you met." Blaise laughed.

"Yah mate, he never stops talking about you, even after you broke up for those 2 long days." He punched me in the arm gently and all I could think about was the fact that I could completely botch this year's anniversary over a trial invention. Our date was only in a week so I had to figure out what I was doing, and figure it out fast.

"What do you guys think he'd feel about if?" I found myself picking at my nails as I thought.

"I think it's a lovely idea. Just think, what attracted you to Draco for the first time?"

Thinking back on it, there was, and still is, one thing that always makes me fall in love with him time and time again. "His laugh"

"Exactly, that boy has never heard your deep, raspy voice in his life." Pansy winked jokingly. "This would give him that chance."

"In other words, we think he'll love it mate" He patted me on the shoulder before turning and heading into the dining hall, Pansy at his heels.

No sooner than they depart, there is a thin pair of arms wrapping their way around my waist. I turn around and begin signing to him. Afternoon, love.

Hi, how was study hall? It took all of my willpower to not get up and join you at your station. He laughed and all I could do was smile at him.

I'm flattered, how about I make up for it by eating lunch with you?

How could I say no to you scarhead? He laughed at his own silly nickname. After a few months I decided it was time to tell him about my 'tragic' backstory, and he told me his. We're quite the pair of nuttjobs if I do say-so myself.

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