Chapter 2: Draco Who?

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Harry's POV

"I'm not kidding Mione! He was the most amazing boy I've ever seen. I wish you could have met him but you and Ron needed alone time while I was talking to him. He had light blond hair and the most amazing blue eyes, but the most interesting thing about him was that he was deaf."

"A deaf boy? At Hogwarts?" She stopped to figuratively search her mind data base. "And he's in our year?"

"Yes, and he's slytherin. I've never seen him before either." Hermione nodded thoughtfully. She wasn't saying anything so I continued talking. "He smelled like a newly blossomed apple orchard, and he had the most amazing smile. You should've heard his laugh. Every time he laughed, it was like a little bit of me fell deeper into his spell."

"Aw! Harry, you don't have to talk so sweetly about little old me!" Ron all but shouted as he flopped into the nearest arm chair. We all chuckled. "Anyways, who's the boy who has captured your heart this year?"

"He said -well he didn't really say- he wrote that his name is Draco Malfoy."

Ron's smile faded. He sat up straight in his chair. "Draco who?"

"Malfoy. What about it?" I said, bewildered at his sudden mood change.

"The Malfoys played a huge role in the war. And not for the good guys. They were a major supporter of you-know-who. But after he disappeared, they fled the country, and rumors said that they left their son behind because he was 'too much of a burden' on their plans" he used his fingers to mimic the quotation marks. "No one has seen them, or Draco since."

"To your knowledge anyways! That doesn't make any sense. He's been attending Hogwarts for five years now, hasn't he made any friends to confirm his existence?" I stated. Ron was clearly trying to trick me, I mean, how can no one know you exist at Hogwarts?

Hermione jumped in with a sad but puzzled look in her eyes. "Harry. He is deaf. It can't be easy to make friends when you can't keep a conversation." She does have a point. Poor draco, all alone without a friend. That must be why he was so careful to open up. He hasn't got too many friends.

"Well, it's decided then." They both looked at me with confused expressions. "It is now my life goal to learn sign language and be this boy's best friend. Besides, it gives me something to do while you two are off eating each other's faces off behind my back." They looked at eachother in shock, and then back at me. They both opened their mouths to apologize, so I put a hand up. "Guys, it's okay. Everyone saw it coming from a kilometer away."

Relief was all you could feel in the room. "Sorry for not telling you sooner mate." Ron got up and patted me on the back.

"S'okay." I look at my feet awkwardly and choose my next path of action. "Welp! I'm going to go write Draco a note."

"What for?" Hermione gave me a questioning look.

"I'm going to see if he'd like to have lunch with us this afternoon." I couldn't help but smile as I quickly rushed up the stairs.

September 3, XXXX

Dear Draco,

Hiya, it's Harry (from the train, but of course you know that). I've been thinking about you the past couple days, and I was wondering if you'd like to sit with me at lunch today and meet my friends. You don't have to tho, if you'd rather sit with your friends at Slytherin table.

Your friend,
Harry Potter


Draco's POV

As I sit in my dorm attempting to do my homework, I look up to see a very frustrated owl pecking at the window.

As soon as I allow its entrance, he swoops in and drops the letter on my desk.

To: Mr. Draco Malfoy
Slytherin Dorms
From: Harry Potter

What's he up to this time? I carefully open the envelope and read his letter. Lunch? With him AND his friends? I ponder over my course of action. I could go, and make new friends too, or I could go and make a complete fool out of myself for trying. Or I could just stay here and get something from the kitchen later, like I've done the past four years.

I glance at my watch. Almost time for lunch Draco, make a decision fast.

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