Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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A/N: everything in italics is sign language, and everything in bold is written conversation.

3rd Person POV

Draco has been going to Hogwarts for four years now. The orphanage he knew as his home closed down after three, but in order to keep Draco alive, Mrs. Susanne took Draco into her own home.

The new school year is about to begin, and Draco had just recieved his Hogwarts letter the previous day.

Why do we need to go to Diagon Ally today? It's only the second of august, we've got all month. Draco rolled his eyes and crossed his arms playfully.

Draco, you know if we go too late, we won't be able to get nice things.

He nodded, she was always right.

Draco's POV

We grabbed a few bags to throw my stuff in once we bought it and we used the floo network to get to Diagon Ally.

You've sprouted up like a weed this summer. She ruffled my hair. I hate when she does that. I'm going to go get money from your parents' vault, while you are going to go get some new robes fitted at Madam Malkins. Okay? She turned and walked away, not waiting for a response.

When I stepped into Madam Malkins, there was a large family waiting to get all of their robes. All of them had bright red hair and too many freckles to count. Madam Malkins was quite fond of me, and I made sure to visit her every year.

She used a charm that turned her words into sign language so I could understand her. Draco, my dear! You must've grown at least a foot since I last saw you. You need new robes I presume? Alright, stand over here and wait while I wait on the Weasleys.

I do as told and watch her walk to the counter where multiple boxes lay. A short and stout woman rummaged in a bag and pulls out a few coins. The large family walks out and Madam Malkin walks towards me.

How was your summer my dear? She turns away from me to levitate a bundle of pins. How's your mother? (She talking about Ms. Suzanne)

Summer was great! Mum's at Gringots at the moment, we need to pay you for your lovely work don't we? The older woman shook with laughter.

Thank you. We stood in what I assume was comfortable silence until she had finished my robes. Mother still hadn't shown up, so I sat in the corner of the shop for about a half an hour waiting for her arrival. She walked in and grabbed my by the wrist. When she pulled me outside.

Now, mom has done a lot of strange things. But she has never pulled me out of a store and covered my eyes, pushing me down a crowded street. But when she does allow me my sight again, I am pleasantly surprised. There, sleeping peacefully infront of me is an old black and white spotted cat.

I can't help but look at mum in disbelief. Is this for me?!

She nodded. This is Litigo, she is a tuxedo cat. She's kind of old, but I thought you might want someone to keep you company at school. I leaped towards her.

I love her! Thank you! I scooped Litigo up and accidentally woke her up. She rose her head slightly and blinked at me. I kiss the top of her head and turn back to mother. I think we should go pay for my robes now. She smiled and we walked off together.


I wave goodbye to mother and sign I love you as the train begins to speed away. I'm all alone in my booth, as per usual. The only difference is the playful old cat playing with one of my new quills. I laugh at her and stare out the window. Another lonely year is about to begin.

I take out my newest journal and begin to doodle different poses that Litigo gladly demonstrated. Out of my peripheral vision I see the door open and close. I shorter bot with long raven hair enters and begins speaking. When I stare at him blankly, he demonstrates a look of pure confusion. I'm deaf. I don't know what you are saying dimwit. I roll my eyes.

Something registers in his mind and he points to my notebook and quill. I turn to a new page and hand it to him. He scribbles something down and hands it back to me. I changed into my robes and when I came back my friends were snogging. May I sit in here with you?

I nodded and then gestured for him to sit next to me. He started to say something again and face-palmed before he could finish. Not wanting to fill up my new journal, I pulled out a spare and opened it up, setting it, along with a quill in between us. When he finished writing, he turned to look towards me. What year are you in? I don't think I've ever seen you, but that might be because you're in Slytherin.

Fifth year, I'm Draco Malfoy. Pleased to meet you. And you are?

You can't be serious right? You don't know who I am? I looked up and shook my head. Who did this boy think he was? Famous?

He stared at me for a minute before lifting up his bangs revealing a small lightning shaped scar. I shrugged. He began to write again. Okay, that's strange. I'm Harry Potter. You are the first person I've met who doesn't know who I am.

Why does everyone know you? You just look like a boy with a fancy scar, that's all.

Its so much more than that, but I'm not gonna get into that.

Okay. Seriously, what is the deal with this dude. Acting like he's someone special and then not telling me anything. At that moment, Litigo jumped into his lap and nuzzled her head into his stomach. He looked startled at first, then he looked down and began petting her.

He's cute. What's his name?

She. Litigo is a girl.

Oh, sorry. She's beautiful. I love dogs myself, I've got a black one at home. He's seriously needy tho, and he loves to give me more attention than anyone else, but you have got to love him.

I laughed at his description of his dog. He made him sound so human. I was starting to warm up to him.

We kept on with a conversation all the way to the castle. We rode in the carriages together and continued writing back and forth, occasionally laughing or rolling our eyes.

September 1, XXXX

Dear journal,

I think this year is going to be okay.

Draco Malfoy

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