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1861-Houston, Texas 

"Jasper, no! Please don't go!" Cried an 8-year-old Hannah Whitlock, clutching her older brother's arm. Tears flowing down her rosy cheeks and her golden blonde hair was pulled into tight braids.

"I have to, darling. We can't let the Union win, now can we?" Jasper smirked jokingly down at his little sister.

"I- I don't want to lose you like we lost Papa" The little girl hiccuped.

Hannah and Jasper's father had been fighting in the war but had unfortunately been killed.

Jasper crouched down and brought his sister into a big, warm hug.

"You're not going to lose me, Hannah. I promise you I will come home. " Jasper whispered reassuringly

Jasper pulled away and wiped his sister's tears from her cheeks.

Jasper went to get up and leave to his horse that was patiently waiting for him, but Hanna was having none of it and launched herself forward, clinging to her brother's waist, sobbing. Their mother, a blonde woman with blue eyes that matched little Hannah's, watched from the doorway of the house, having already said goodbye to her son, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you, " She sobbed into his jacket.

"I'll miss you too, little darling. How about I write to you as much as I can? Hm, then it would be like I never left"

Hannah pulled her face away and nodded as their mother came out of the house and gently pulled the sobbing young girl away from her older brother. Hannah turned and clung to her mother's skirt, hiding her face slightly but still staring at her brother with sorrow.

"Take care of her and yourself," Jasper said to his mother

"I will, and you be careful." His mother replied with sadness in her eyes.

"I will. I'll make you proud, ma" Jasper promised

His mother sniffled a little as fresh tears began to roll down her cheeks. "I'm already proud"

Jasper smiled sadly at his mother then he turned and mounted his horse. Giving his family one final wave before riding off and out of sight.


1863 - Houston, Texas

It was Hannah's 10th birthday and Jasper has said in his recent letter that he would be returning home as a birthday present. Jasper hadn't arrived all day and it was dark out now.

Hannah was in her bedroom pacing, getting anxious. She suddenly stopped in her tracks and quickly went to peer out of her bedroom window eagerly when she heard the sound of hooves against the path outside.

She saw a figure approaching on a horse in the moonlight and her face lit up with excitement.

"Jasper! Jasper's home! Mama, Jasper's back! " She yelled in delight and sprinted from her room.

She flew down the stairs but stopped on the last step when she saw her mother standing by the door with a man, Hannah had never seen before, standing outside.

"Mrs Whitlock?" The man asked in a hoarse, rough voice.

"Yes?" Hannah's mother replied timidly and confused

The man took off his hat and held it in his hands as Hannah came to stand beside her mother, clutching onto her skirt.

"I'm terribly sorry, ma' am. But I'm afraid that your son, major Jasper Whitlock, failed to check-in after he returned from evacuating a colony of women and children. We went and searched for him, but all we found were these. I'm so for your loss ma'am. He was a fine man. " The man handed Hannah's mother a pair of dog tags that held Jasper's name and information on.

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